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Proper scale for FLIP


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So this has been mentioned in a few other threads but need some guidelines.

My understanding is that FLIP has issues (unstable, flickering, collision, etc) for "small" scale simulations. By that I assume means anything under roughly a metre in largest dimension.

What are some suggested starting points for scaling up your simulation for FLIP if its say, roughly a foot or so in diameter.

3X? 10 X?

And what about speed to compensate. If you increase the scale 3X do you also need to speed it up 3x as well?

There is also Spatial Scale on Solver and was wondering as a first step if i should try reducing to say .1 before I do anything else?

Edited by art3mis
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for speed compensation you usually just want to scale your forces 

like gravity -9.81 for m scale and -98.1 for dm scale, of course you may need to increase substeps as the "smaller" the things are the bigger distances they travel relative to their scale (at least for default FLIP, when is ignoring some important physical aspects like drag, etc..)


Edited by anim
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