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Vellum ignore collision attribute not working


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I'm currently following the vellum docs for using the collisionignore and collisiongroup string attributes. Everyrthing works fine when I specify the collisionignore group directly, however when I try to tell vellum to ignore all groups except for one that I specify, it doesn't work.

I've made a basic scene to demonstrate the problem.

Here is the code that I use:

s@collisionignore = "top";

- This one works

s@collisionignore = "* ^bot";

- this one doesn't work

TLDR “* ^foo” rule stated in vellum docs doesn't work fo me, what am I doing wrong?

Houdini dosc for what I'm talking about here(collisiongroup and collisionignore): Docs


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Thanks for your help Atom, I guess you reffer to the "* ^" with 'wild card' (sorry I'm not too familiar with coding language conventions), anyways, I do require the use of it for what I'm doing, this is just a simple file to demonstrate the issue I have. As for the same groups on opposing geometries, that was intentional, probably should've named them more appropriately(already fixed in the file I upload now). Basically I need the green and blue cloth to only collide with objects that have the same group name and ignore all the other groups (I'm running this in for each loop on multiple objects on my main setup, so can't specify this manually like you did).



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