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petrified (advice needed)


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Hiya People! I am currently working on my portfolio, doing lots of sculpting in Zbrush and some stuff in Houdini. I still go to university and i have to do a mandatory internship, which i am super excited about but also really nervous! Now the tricky part of creating, is the one which gives me the most anxiety, the selfdoubt. - "Is my work good enough?" - I almost never really feel satisfied with my work, especially with the Houdini stuff i do. So i wanted to ask you, the Houdini Masters and those on the long and rocky road of becoming one themselves, how do you handle selfdoubt? How long should a reel be? What would an potential employer look for in someone? Anyways, all the chit and chatter and no fun, so here's a work i currently did which i somewhat liked. If you have any constructive criticism please, let me hear it. I really want to improve!




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To get better advice and even to make a good demo real, you need to be more specific.
Which way you want to go.
FX Artist ?
Modeler - Scuplter
Your demo reel will not be the same.
You need to focus (and so does your demo) on where you want to go.

For example, the shot you're showing us is nice.
But what does it showcase?
Is the bird because it's one of your zbrush sculpt ?.
Right now when you make a project your "storytelling" has to be guided by what you want to show.

For the duration, there are no rules. Show only the best. Better a short demo, than a long one, which will bore the viewer. Avoid breakdowns, which only show that you don't have much to show.

About demo-reel you can find some topics here.
but there are others.

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50 minutes ago, flcc said:

To get better advice and even to make a good demo real, you need to be more specific.
Which way you want to go.
FX Artist ?
Modeler - Scuplter
Your demo reel will not be the same.
You need to focus (and so does your demo) on where you want to go.

For example, the shot you're showing us is nice.
But what does it showcase?
Is the bird because it's one of your zbrush sculpt ?.
Right now when you make a project your "storytelling" has to be guided by what you want to show.

For the duration, there are no rules. Show only the best. Better a short demo, than a long one, which will bore the viewer. Avoid breakdowns, which only show that you don't have much to show.

About demo-reel you can find some topics here.
but there are others.

Thank you so much. I haven't even consindered focusing on something specific. In my head it sounded like "hell yeah! i'll do sick vfx and sculpting at the same time!" There's no golden thread to what my portfolio should lead and thereof lacking, maybe you're right its either sculpting or FX. thank you very much for your advice!

Edited by Foxhound
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29 minutes ago, konstantin magnus said:

Hi Denis,

I can't say much about reels, but being constantly ambitious usually gets you far. :D

Thank you konstantin! Looking at the fact that never really feeling satisfied can also be an motivation, to push even further. I guess it all boils down to that keeping a positive attitude goes a long way in creating something with a "golden thread"! E.g. brute forcing everything in Houdini till it feels and looks the way you want it!

Edited by Foxhound
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