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scatter amount via vex


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is there a chance to control the scatter amount via a pointwrangle? There is just a checkbox for exporting the density attribute... hm... Or is there a hda outside where the npts is controllable by a pointwrangle?

Edited by Follyx
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The scatter SOP will use any attribute you want for density and you can write them to your geometry with VEX as per usual.

Attached is a demo scene - normally I'd call the attribute 'density' as the scatter SOP expects that but to show that you can use anything I called it 'scatter_density'


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thank you, so far, so good. But I dont have a chance to influence the npts parameter in the scatter Sop via vex, or? The Density per se is so vague. I prefer the exatly amount of scatterpoints. Or maybe I have the wrong approach in using the density. i

i.E: a box 10 x 10 x 5. I want exaclty maybe 540 scatterpoints. How could I organize that via the wrangle node with density?

Edited by Follyx
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