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High poly noise > sharp edges low poly?


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Maybe generate a curvature attribute on the points, using measure or one of the newer by feature nodes. Then attribute promote up to primitive and then back down to points. Play around with the promotion modes, like Minimum and Maximum instead of Average..?

Maybe the floor function on the curvature..?

Once you have a massaged attribute, use color by attribute on the color node.

Edited by Atom
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1 hour ago, Atom said:

Maybe generate a curvature attribute on the points, using measure or one of the newer by feature nodes. Then attribute promote up to primitive and then back down to points. Play around with the promotion modes, like Minimum and Maximum instead of Average..?

Maybe the floor function on the curvature..?

Once you have a massaged attribute, use color by attribute on the color node.

Hey @Atom thanks for the help. I ended up using the seed from the noise to drop a cluster and I was able to color some of the noise faces.

Now I'm trying to split this for generating UVs (i think the blue lines on the first gifs are uv seams), any thoughts on how to get UV islands from color?



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  • 2 years later...

I haven't seen this thread before but i have the feeling the cut is done using the mathematical definition of the custom noise itself. I have tried to build similar custom noise like this using VEx in the past, and they are indeed powerful, i could get such formation using such one noise and the head primitive.


After and for other subject like cliff generation for example and conversation to low where you want to extract the hard edge using a clean way, i haven't investigate much, and as for now im not aware of anything which could give perfectly clean result, especially in the form is out of a VDB, displacement texture.

you try to planarize the surface , and facette with cusp and angle...

 custom_noise_vince21.thumb.PNG.03d110e9497333847209af44a9c889a9.PNGcustom_noise_vince34.thumb.PNG.5b5977c57cff2a2a1db2abc0c5bcbd4c.PNGe built si


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