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3d subdivide Packed?(SOLVED)


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what if we have BBox how to use those in DOP like Transformer effect or somthing.
Best approach??
@vinyvince post "your" files ...share with peoples ...:P

oh I found on Cgworld Japan new file under tutorial yesssssss

int dotranslate = chi("dotranslate");
int dotrotate = chi("dotrotate");
int doscale = chi("doscale");
int uniformscale = chi("uniformscale");

vector min0,max0,min1,max1;
float pb0[] = primintrinsic(0,'packedbounds',@primnum);
float pb1[] = primintrinsic(1,'packedbounds',@primnum);

for(int i;i<3;i++){
    min0[i]= pb0[i*2];
    max0[i]= pb0[i*2+1];

vector size0 = max0-min0;
vector center0 = (max0+min0)/2;
vector size1 = max1 -min1;
vector center1 = (max1+min1)/2;

matrix T = 1 ;
matrix R = 1 ;
matrix S = 1 ;

if ( dotranslate){
    vector t = center1 -center0;

if (dotrotate){
    float size0_array[]= set(size0);
    float size1_array[]= set(size1);
    int size0_argsort[]= argsort(size0_array);
    int size1_argsort[]= argsort(size1_array);
    vector newsize = size0;
    vector mr[];
    for(int i;i<3; i++){
        vector axis;
        axis[size1_argsort[i] ]=1;
        mr[size0_argsort[i] ]=axis;
        newsize[size0_argsort[i]]= size0[size0_argsort[i]];

    size0 = newsize;
    //mr[2]= cross(mr[0],mr[1]);
    R = set(mr);

    //@P = fit(@P,min0,max0,min1,max1);
    vector s = size1/size0;
    if (uniformscale){
        s = min(s);

vector p = center0;matrix X = 1;translate(X,p);

matrix xform = invert(X)*R*S*T*X;

matrix fulltransform = primintrinsic(1,'packedfulltransform',@primnum);


can be useful for 3d Print


Edited by Librarian
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