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Set point position in the same wrangle


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I have a two-point curve and I need to shift the point's positions towards each other.

I am calculating vectors from 2 points and adjusting positions along those vectors. If I do everything in the same wrangle it does not work, but once I move setting a new position to another wrangle it behaves as expected.
What is happening?



snippet_move_points.hiplcFetching info...

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  On 5/1/2024 at 3:32 PM, kiryha said:

Yes, this is working...

Ok, why it does not work if I set the position in the same wrangle where I define attributes?


snippet_move_points_same_aw.hiplc 210.5 kB · 0 downloads


Because setpointattrib() only sets attribute values on the output. So in your case, the normal attribute doesn't exist during code execution.

So if you want to have everything in the same wrangle, set it to detail and apply your positions with setpointattrib() too.

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