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What is that node call!?

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I am embarrassed that I have to ask this. For the life of me I cant remember that the name of this node is called. Though in my defence Houdini does sometimes pick some poor names for their nodes. Though I am sure this is not one of those cases.


In vops you have the "mix" node. There is another that allows the same function but over more than 2 inputs. What is it called?


Thank you :)

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It is in vops. It is not the blend regions node.

This node looks like the mix at first. Once you add in 2 inputs. (not including the "bias" Though I dont think it is called that on this node." A third appears. Then another then another.. So it blends across many inputs over a rand from 0 to 1.

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The Average VOP will dynamically add input slots for X number of inputs, but all it does is average them all as named so that doesn't sound like it.  It's the only one I know off the top of my head will continue adding input slots. What you're describing sounds like some kind of multi-input ramp/range function.

You may have to resort to working your way through the tab menu to see if the icons or names ring any bells.  Whatever it is, please update thread when you find it, as that does sound useful.


EDIT: it's not Fuzzy Inference VOP is it?

Edited by ryew
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Thank you all. Seems to be more illusive that I thought. I have sort of built my own work around for it. My point vop is now very big and very messy but it works.


The only other way I can think of describing it is basically. "Blend sequence" SOP, but for attributes in vops.

I would hate to think it was a custom node only found in that place I was working at the time. That would make me sad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been informed that the Mix VOP will simplify the top row of the subnet's nodes. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to increase the number of inputs dynamically - I can't find anything in the Python API that allows changing the number of inputs (in the same way that Subnet, Add, Multiply and a bunch of other native VOPs allow for). It seems that some of the native nodes I listed have some kind of value type masking for their inputs, but there doesn't seem to be any useful resources online on setting that up in a custom HDA.

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