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Feedback tips rocket launch


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After a week of tests and plowing thru tutorials the attached is where I am at.
Any tips or suggestions on what I should try next? This is with Axiom but any Pyro principles would apply!
Also would the flame typically be a different simulation merged with the smoke trail or part of the same simulation? (edited)
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After simply reducing dissipation this is what I am getting.
Way too feathery and wispy.
I need more billowing.
I've played with various perm utations of simulation settings in Axiom for a few days now but nowhere near close.

Just hoping to get some starting settings to try!


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I'm not an axiom user, but usually when doing a big expanding rocket trail like that I feed in some divergence from the source to get more billowing behavior. Some more velocity variation on your source will probably give you some interesting shapes and you can ease off on your disturbance which seems to be giving you a very harsh and overly noisy shape. More downward velocity and something similar to a gas damp masked by your temperature field will help give the feeling of the volume cooling and being hit with air resistance, like in your reference. Hard to assess the motion of your update without a sequence, but I'm guessing you should ease off the dissipation a little bit more. You're off to a great start, good luck! 

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