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Import From 3d Smax


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Hi folks i have an import issue i built 10 seperate mesh geometry in 3d smax and want to import in houdini 9 i exported it from max with .obj file format and import in houdini but all the seperated objects becomes 1 object in houdini and have an odd shadows how can i solve this?

cheers, yigit

Edited by wreath
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Hi folks i have an import issue i built 10 seperate mesh geometry in 3d smax and want to import in houdini 9 i exported it from max with .obj file format and import in houdini but all the seperated objects becomes 1 object in houdini and have an odd shadows how can i solve this?

cheers, yigit


I haven't used a geo from 3dmax before but as far as I know the exported objs from maya always come reversed (normals)

so you might need to append a reverse sop to fix the "shadow" problem

and for the seperated objects. It probably groups the seperate objects and put them in 1 geo. so try middle clicking on the file node to see if there are any groups.

you can seperate the groups afterwards.



Edited by cellchuk
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While importing from max remember that obj files come with the inverted normals. If you have separate objects in max they will appear in houdini as different groups. So you cad easily extract each one with the delete sop.



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Hi again first thanks for the replys, i used delete subs it works but in some cases i must import many objects like 50 pieces and "delete sub" can become a pain is there any easy way? and i used the reverse(tried all in the menu) sub too but shadows still looks weird

my scene;


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I think we might be talking about a 3ds Max thing ... when exporting from 3ds Max, instead of file .. export, file ... export selected. You'd have to export these individually otherwise it will show up as one mesh. The file SOP and a single geometry node presumes a single mesh even if there are different "elements."

Once you have 10 different obj's on the hard drive, you can choose between importing them into 10 different file sops, or a single file sop in each of 10 geometry nodes. The first will still give you a single mesh, but in 10 different operators so you can work with them separatly, the second will give you 10 different objects within the Houdini scene.

Think of everything inside of a geometry node as a single object in max, when you are in the geometry node ... it's like accessing the modifier stack of a single object. Geometry Network = Modifier Stack

Edited by andrewlowell
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Michael it isnt locked but i uploaded again with max's obj. file

Andrew thanks a lot, i guess i better give some info about scene i built simple pre fractured geometry (23 pieces) in max (using max for modelling stuff) and want to collapse it in Houdini i have to make all pieces seperate geometry because of RBD operations, as i understand from you;

1- exporting all pieces one by one sounds arduous :) but it provides different geo's in houdini without any delete sub operation.

2- exporting all pieces in one time needs some extra delete sub tool work on houdini.

i think 1=2 both of them needs some extra work and there is no other way?!

and the other issue i'm still suffering from shadow problem :(


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you want separeted objects from one imported file right. my solution is

1. import your file

2. add a point sop if your normals are messed. add normals and simply put "-" infront of NX,NY,NZ

3.append a connectivity sop

4.append a partition sop. entity=primitives, Rule=anyname$CLASS. this will give you all the pieces that should be separeted as anyname0,anyname1.... and so on

here you have seperated primitives

5. do whatever you want to do. for example append a transform sop. just check in the group section,and choose one from the list.

so as to make it more houdinish,study copy,stamp stuff. and fasten your seat belt next time. hope you be good soon.

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