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help with a normals expression

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Anybody know the proper expression in order to keep the normals pointing in one direction while the object itself rotates?

Are the normals those from a first frame? If so, add a PointSOP, connect rotating geometry with normals to its first input, append NullSOP as a separate branch after transformed geo, and press Lock Flag while being in first frame. Then connect it to the second input of PointSOP.

In Normal field of PointSOP add: $NX2, $NY2, $NZ2 respectively. Done.

PointSOP simply copies normals from a second input onto the first one. The second is your geometry baked in first frame. Does it help?



Edited by SYmek
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You can just put your point SOP > Add Normals before your Xform SOP, therefore your network calculates the normals before it translates/rotates your geometry.

...but the translation/rotation considers normal attribute also, so transforms it accordingly... is that what was the question about? :blink:

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