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selection handles

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Umm... is it just me or is it that Houdini's selection handles is still a bit buggy under Windows...? After modeling for a while, eventually, I just can't select anything... Sometimes when I tried to select edges, some edges just won't get selected no matter how I box-drag select that one specific edge from any camera angle... My only remedy? Restart Houdini...

Brrr.... <_<

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I haven't had the issue that Alex had.

However, on occasion I had a problem where I would extrude a polygon, immediatly undo it, but the handle would remain in the extruded position.

It's weird, it never once happened when I was modeling baphomet, but I was starting another little model when this problem appeared.

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I am using 5.5 beta at the moment. As of the last beta I got from sidefx, it's I am still experiencing some fruatration with it... :( not that it's a major work hinderance, I tend to find ways to get around it. Just annoying at times especially when my patient runs out.

I doubt we'll see the 100% stabalized version of selection handle until v6...

Oh well. I guess I can wait. (As long as they implement hair, cloth, and fluid dynamics :D )

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I am using 5.5 beta at the moment. As of the last beta I got from sidefx, it's I am still experiencing some fruatration with it... :( not that it's a major work hinderance, I tend to find ways to get around it. Just annoying at times especially when my patient runs out.

I doubt we'll see the 100% stabalized version of selection handle until v6...

Oh well. I guess I can wait. (As long as they implement hair, cloth, and fluid dynamics :D )

Ah yeah. But maybe the full version will surprise us all (in terms of fixing and implementing :))

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Yes i've had problems relating to the selection handles, especially when selecting reference points or edges for orientations. Some edges simply will not allow themselves to be selected! I really hope they get this thing together for v5.5. I mean it is one of the most basic modeling components! how can you overlook it as not a priority in the SOPS department?


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Yeah, polysplit mode is a bother. Sometimes i have to zoom out so i can click on an edge or point!? and i wasn't all that close-up either. But overall it is way too sensitive in polysplit mode in simply selecting the point/edge and that's after hassling with the orientation picking for the handle....it really can be a pain!

I'll give your "switch to wireframe" suggestion a go,...thanks.


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I installed the latest TCL/TK libs and Houdini seems to work better than ever!

I mean, it used to be slow when other programs were running on the background. It still is, a very little. But the speed has increased to many.

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betty, sounds like the polysplit tool is giving you some troubles. if im understanding you correctly, i may have a work around for you.

option: make object groups so you can hide/show them when you need to. (exactly like layers in maya)

spacebar + g homes the viewer onto selected points/prim/handles etc.. once homed you can toggle around the selected point(s) axis, this makes it a hell of alot easier to navigate in the viewer, esp. if you are splitting small polys surrounded by dozens of other polys. Make sure you adjust the clipping plane, i think by default its pretty low. also, when splitting, do cntrl + RMB to bring up the option box and you will see *snap to edge midpoint*....check this option and you will always split into the center of your quad. (THANKS MARC :P)

hopefully im on the right track here :P if not im sure someone will benefit from this HEH...

mike C.

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