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RDB Question: Gravitational Pull


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I am new to Houdini so I apologize if this is common knowledge. I tried the search function but haven't found what I was looking for.

Currently I am trying to point my gravity towards the surface normals of my collision geometry. The simplest example would be having a tiny planet where your objects(Spheres) are affected by wind; bounces etc. but are not supposed to completely fly
off the planet, more like roll along the surface. Hope I didn't make it sound too confusing.
It would be great if somebody could point me in the right direction. :)
Big thanks in advance.

Edited by Mokiki
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Thank you David and Vitor for the tips! Really appreciate it.

I took a look at your file David and this is pretty much what I tried to achieve. But I still ran into 1 issue that I don't really understand.
When trying to rebuild your setup manually I run don't get any simulation going. My rigid body doesn't want to move at all. When I copy your dopnet
into my scene the simulation works. I went through each node and checked for differences in the various tabs but I didn't find anything.
If you could take a quick look at the attached scene that would be great. (I already know that it is going be something completely obvious :( )

Oh there was another thing I got curious about. When switching rbdpackedobject for rdbobject and not creating packed geometry in your setup, it doesn't seem to work anymore. Is there any specific reason for this?


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Yep it's sorted out everything is working now. I just was curious about why non packed geometry doesn't work in your example. So packed geo allows you to use pop forces in rigid body sims and non packed geo does not. Is that correct?

Only reason I bring this up is because I was doing an effect with the ripple solver + custom geometry reacting to an rbd sim and in turn having the rbd sim react to the ripples created. Almost giving it this softbody like look in a way and at some point I noticed I didn't get the back and forth reaction to work until I used non packed geo. I think the error is in my point vop setup. It has trouble reading the point data from the surfaces of the packed objects to drive the deformation for the ripple solver.
My goal was to combine that effect with the one mentioned in this thread. 
Will definitely have to study the help file some more.
Nonetheless really appreciate the help. :)

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Yes in that case, where you need to deform the geometry, packed primitives might not be the best choice. They work like a zipfile, you can't access or change whats inside, you can only move it around. You would have to pack it up, do your deformation, and then pack it down again. I haven't used "normal" RBDs in forever so I'm not sure what forces work, but I suppose it's not impossible to do the roughly the same thing but apply the force differently. 

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noob alert (that's me)...but it's not a question of forces...isn't it because of this....(from help link above):

... This object representation is currently only understood by the Bullet Solver.

this is what i found out while doing the rings on the shower curtain thread...so when changed the solver from Bullet to RBD, i couldn't use packed objects anymore...so i changed it to RBD Pointobject...



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I managed to get around the the issue at least in my case by simply importing my rbd objects via dop import and just copying my my initial geo on their position and using that in the point vop driving the ripple solver. It's probably not the most elegant solution but it does it's job for now. :P

Edited by Mokiki
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