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  1. lmao was it the one with the horrible face modeling tutorial for houdini 5.5 or so ? That was the one for me It really opened my mind to proceduralism.
  2. Not houdini, But if you're on Linux and dont mind getting dirty in the terminal you can get MIDAS running which does a fairly good job. https://github.com/intel-isl/MiDaS
  3. Been running H on Manjaro for a few years. Only issue was license server that expected init.d while Manjaro is systemctl.
  4. How would one approach this in Houdini, geometry and lens shaders only ?
  5. hey! I was the creative director and concept designer for this. Confirming we used Houdini, lots of sop solvers, some growth stuff. Its just transforming the points from a central local minimum on the geometry, using pcopen to kinda make it fold inside itself. Then emit some fluids to advect points out of. Here's some more stills showing the geometry
  6. its almost as if sidefx should have a side venture and sell HDA packages for things like trees, plants, nature etc....
  7. ipad as osc controller, touchdesigner chop to houdini chop or chan.
  8. TD and Houdini user here. Been using it on set for VFX. Pretty cool software and Derivative are a great bunch of guys.
  9. Divide the original with a blurred version, then mulitply your result with the original. A basic sharpen filter is just a highpass multed with the original.
  10. All very .Hip Hope you'll enjoyi it.
  11. Hi, Try un-premuliting both renders, then add the two alpha's together, copy the new alpha in rgb and premult. The problem arises from both pixel edges being anti-aliased against black. You need to make sure the overlapping area has an alpha of 1.0 and not some filtered value. I believe Nuke's disjoint-over does this.
  12. This could be interesting. As a Nuke and Houdini user, I'm also an avid user of Pure Data, reaktor and Touch Desginer for more DSP and realtime like stuff. Is this a marked you guys perhaps might venture into ? Or with Flowbox FX stricktly aimed at offline image processing ?
  13. Interesting, I think the pyro solver is much better looking than fume. Both for sim quality and render quality. Especially if you couple it with PBR. Fume has that meh blobby flame look to it.
  14. http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini13.0/
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