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Found 3 results

  1. Hi there, I'm trying to wrap my head around renderman 20 in houdini 15.5. Now there's a tricky thing with displacements going on. When building stuff, I usually group the entire object in a single geometry node via subnet and combines, applying materials via the material SOP and specific groupings of the underlying geometry. this in turn creates a string attribute on the selected primitives with name “shop_materialpath” and the given path to the pxrWhatever shader. stuff shows up in RIS renders, everything behaves as expected. fine. this would behave equally, if I just added the “shop_materialpath” via AttributeCreate and the proper path to the shader by hand on a primitive. however, now I want to displace something. the only working way in renderman 20 seems to be to create a pxrDisplacement with some input (f.e. pxrWorley) and add the rendering parameters “Displacement Shader” (shop_displacepath) and “Displacement Bound” (ri_dbound) to the geometry node in /obj. Apply the shader, set bound > 0, displacement shows up in renders. fine. BUT: Now I thought: “Hah. Just transfer these parameters on a primitive base via AttributeCreate as well, done.”. However this doesn't seem to work. Instead I have to extract the geo into a second geometry node in /obj via ObjectMerge and again apply the said parameters on the top-level geometry node itself. Are “shop_displacepath” and “ri_dbound” not assignable to primitives by hand? Or am I missing a crucial step? Perhaps something else has to be applied as well? Any Ideas? -Marcus
  2. Hi, i love the shading/material and lighting/rendering part of the pipeline,in a word,the realism part of CG, yesterday i bought the book "The RenderMan Shading Language Guide", i heard this renderer is the industry standard(is it?) so for now i want to focus on and start learning how to write shaders with it : 1 - how do you evaluate the book? 2 - i'm starting from scratch but i know the C language a little,should i know C before RenderMan? 3 - i heard RenderMan is similar to VEX,is it really? 4 - how do you compare RRMan with Mantra?(they say PRman is THE software itself) 5 - is this book a good starting point for using PRman IN HOUDINI?i mean is the code constant no matter where and in which software it's used? 6 - and finally, if the book is not good then what sources do you suggest to master the renderman shading language?something like fxphd course on renderman?
  3. Hi, recently, I'm using Houdini to make clouds. I use the Houdini self tool "Pyro FX->Volcano" to emit smoke from a lot of spheres, and then I can make the clouds I like. Please see the attachment picture 1, which is rendered by Mantra. Because I feel it quite slow when using Mantra, and I have Pixar's RenderMan in hand, so I try to render my clouds using PRMan to speed up rendering. But, I can't get what I want, please see attachment picture 2. I know I need to using Light Template when using PRMan, does I miss anything else for successfully rendering Pyro in PRMan? Thanks a lot.
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