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Found 6 results

  1. Hey guys, I have to create fireworks that turn into some specific shapes. Just like this: I have an workflow idea working with colors. It goes like this: -Simulate standard the fireworks; -Go to a specific frame where the where the starbusrt* is fully formed; -Apply the color at this specific frame; -keep that specific color assigned to individual particles through the whole simulation; (not working) does it make sense? I'm having problems to achieve this last step. what I'm doing is: -caching the simulation; -apply the colors; -add a timeshif to the "rest" frame (89 in this case); -copy the color attributes from this frame (89) to the animated simulation; I guess it happens because the particle count changes during the sim. Any idea on how to proceed? (Scene file is attached) Thank you, Alvaro *starburst is the round shape Fireworks.v1b.rar
  2. One of the recent CG ads my team at BlueLake created, where Houdini was used to do FX and some geometry magic. Project was done for the spaceedu.net Concept art: Final: Cheers, Tom
  3. Hi guys, I've got a bunch of points ( 63 ). I want particle explosions to happen (by simply emitting 50 particles per point) at each point. But I don't want all those explosions to happen in 1 frame: like real fireworks ('cause that's what I'm trying), those explosions happen fast after each other. For example: in frame 1 I want point 0-5 to emit 50 particles, then in frame 2 I want point 6-10 to emit 50 particles etc. How do I do this? Thanks! Felix
  4. Hi guys, I'm trying to create small explosions of fireworks, seen in Harry Potter (1:23 - 1:25): I've created the particle explosion, but now I'm struggling a lot with creating the whispy smoke trail the those particles leave. I see tutorials about those big, high density smoke trails (rocket smoke trails for example), but not about subtle, low-density, whispy smoke trails. What would be a good solution to create this kind of effect? I've added my hipnc file so far, with the explosion, if that may be of any help. Thanks a lot in advance! Felix fireworks.hipnc
  5. I'm a newbie in Houdini and I'm working on creating fireworks. I have this question, it maybe simple but I've worked on try to solve this for an afternoon... How could I make the firework trail to be thicker at the top? (Like this and this) Right now my firework trail is looking something like the image below. Is it something to do with the pscale? And could anyone tell me how can I achieve this? Thank you very much. particles.hipnc
  6. Hi all, I'm new to Houdini, and right now I'm working on making fireworks. I want to make this kind of fireworks, which has very obvious sphere/oval shape at the tip. Like this: http://oldhallowellday.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/bill-haley-ohd-2010-4.jpg http://www.nickomargolies.com/big/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/july4th-fireworks.jpg From the fireworks example file that I found on Odforce forum, I'm able to create the fireworks without the tip. But I'm wondering how could I make tips like that? Could anyone please show me how to do it? I asked my professor several times, but he is too busy to help me and each time I asked, we always get interrupted by other students. In the end, I got nothing answered.... firework_test_01.hipnc
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