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Hey all. Just posting a new tool I recently wrote in case anyone is interested. It's an HDA for saving attributes into either data textures or mesh vertex channels for use in realtime shaders. I needed to do some fancy pivot caching and mograph type stuff in a Unity shader and after hacking together a solution with a python SOP I figured I'd package it up nicely for future projects.
Hello all. I wanted to share my production library of tools I have posted on Github. Previously a lot of these were posted on after my 2016 GDC talks. The tools were originally designed to be used in a HOUDINI_PATH style library as opposed to individual hdas. In this manner they can include a larger array of script based tools that don't fall in the paradigm of Orbolt. This toolset is generally complementary to the GameDev, Mops, etc toolset, there are only a few overlaps nowadays. There are two primary libraries of tools. - This is the production library built up over the last decade of work that has been cleansed of studio specific work. This currently contains a set HDA's, a common python library, shelf tools, and example files on how to used the .hdas. Some fun tools in here are an Ivy Generator inspired by Thomas Luft Ivy generator . File Cache nodes that have been tested on over a dozen productions. RBD to FBX extractors, and an array of ROP tools. Also a module of python code that includes a few sub-modules such as verbosity logging, multiple hda queuing, fbx exporting, file explorer opening, and the large set of options for file caching. Additionally it contains shelf scripts so that you no longer need to use the Material Library, you can just tab and use the shaders like normal nodes. - This is over one hundred hda's to test Houdini Engine implementations in different DCC's and game engine. Each of them test a simple principle from UI parameters to different geometry types and more. Hope they help you at some point. Feel free to branch or leave comments here and I can update the source. Thanks, -Ben