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Found 7 results

  1. I've run into this issue a few times now. I have a shader that generates several output variables for extra image planes. The variables that are generated would be really useful in SOPs. The only thing I can think of that would allow me to run the same calculation on each point, is to collapse the SHOP network into an OTL that I could also exist inside a VOP. But the parameters are being driven on the shader and it seems a bit messy to channel reference all the ramps and other parameters. Is there some way to apply the shop_materialpath and then compute and export a variable on a per point basis? Thanks!
  2. Hi there Please forgive my noob status but is there some way of passing variables from a shop node (material shader builder) back up to sops level to evaluate in the node structure? I have tried bind export but no dice. Thanks in advance.
  3. Like the title says. I'm trying to kind of make my way through the SHOP context, but my biggest problem is accessing information from the actual geo. I made a fairly simple scene where I am running a sin over the sphere's @pscale. In this case I'm just trying to have the @pscale control the principal shader's emission amount. I tried making an attribute VOP where I bind the @pscale to a bind export and then named it "lit". After this point I can't fin an answer online how to access and connect that attribute to the emission. I know it has to be the easiest and most obvious node, but I can't seem to find the answer. All help is much appreciated! size_lit.hipnc
  4. Hi, just a quick question: some SHOP nodes have a geometry input. like pcopen, intersect, etc. I'd like to point these inputs to the geo node existing in the scene rather than file on disk. Same thing like bringing in the COP result into the shader by typing `op: obj/copnet/OUT`. But it seems to be not working for geometries. Is it really necessary to cache out geo before using it in the shader or is there some trick to make it work like with COPs? If it is not possible, is there any good reason why? Caching things out can be a bit annoying part of the workflow sometimes. thanks, D.
  5. Can someone please explain the new 'Metallic reflection' parameter in the mantra surface shader to me? I've dug around in the network but it still doesn't seem to make sense to me. Is it affecting the original spec to make it more metallic, or is it adding another layer of reflection? it seems to have the same effect as using the specular minimum parameter, thus effectively mixing between the fresnel blending or not... is that right and the spec minimum is just deprecated, or is it something else?
  6. I'm curious about the displacement vs the bump settings in Houdini's principled and mantra surface shaders. Is there any difference between bump and displacement with 'True Displacements' unchecked?
  7. Hello guys! I have come up with a problem where I want to render out some geometry that is totally opaque but want to keep it's alpha information on the alpha channel. I tried pluggin a constant value of 1 on the Surface Alpha value of the output node but the opacity overrides that and throws no alpha info. So in short, what I need is to make the geo invisible on the beauty but keep its info on the alpha channel. Thanks a lot!!!
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