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Found 25 results

  1. Dear Forumers, I am trying to render a reflection of my scene in a pane of glass to comp in Nuke. What I need is an alpha channel that is composed of the objects in the reflection NOT the pane of glass itself. How can I achieve this? I'm guessing also that a cryptomatte which contained the objects IN the reflection would also be just as helpful but I don't know how to get that either? Thanks in advance, Nick PS: I am using Karma PPS: Ideally I would like to do this in the OUT context, NOT Solaris
  2. Hello everyone! I have scene with emissive volume and no density rendered in Karma which is being comped over footage. Issue: since its emissive transparent pixels I was unable to replicate the exact look in AE. Currently ignoring the transparency and using screen blend mode. I have read about straight and premul alpha, but couldnt implement these findings. I know its impossible to have volumes emit light, while not blocking any light, but it would save a ton of time to render without density. Anyone stumbled upon this and found elegant simple solution? Essentially I want to have at least some sort of see through edges and full opaque volume inside dense areas. Thank you very much for any help, I might want something impossible, but that's where creativity comes :D
  3. Hi guys, In Pyro simulation/Smoke Object, does anyone know how can we use the options in the image below? Thanks for helping.
  4. Hey everyone! I am facing a problem while rendering and I don’t understand how to fix it. I have 50 layers of primitives with same texture, but on rendrs shown only 6 layers?, other disapers. All 50 layers visible only on borders of my primitives. I will be grateful for your help, thanks in advance!
  5. Hi there ! I have in my houdini file a COP2 network making some changes to textures on my hard-drive, and then outputting those textures with a ‘ROP File Output’ node. Those textures are actually a set of Masks, each channel is a different mask (R=Metallic,G=AO,B=Emisside and A=Smoothness) This is working nicely, but here is the issue: Those outputted .png or .tif files are using the alpha channel as transparency, and if I open them with Photoshop, there is no accessible alpha channel, and instead all my RGB channels are displayed with transparency. Basically, I cannot use those textures as they are, they are completely impossible for an artist to author in Photoshop. Is there any way to export/render a COP network into a .png or tiff file, and keep a clear visible alpha channel, accessible in Photoshop ?
  6. I have a problem with the Alpha cut-outs on my smoke sims in Gasup Res. The sims work fine with low res simulations but in gasup res sop, they are cut out with Alpha in the color channel. It feels like the gasup res sop won't resize it properly and I just don't know how to add these extra fields. If someone could push me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Thanks In advance.
  7. Hello, Is it possible to get a reflection pass of an object by itself? For instance, if I have a sphere reflecting on a plane and setup a reflection pass, I see the reflection pass for the whole plane. I only want the reflection of the sphere on the plane, not the whole plane. Thanks
  8. Hello; Please take a look at image bellow. I would like to set an object's shading to Matte shading so that it shows background image and acts as a hole. When I turn ON matte, it renders background in black color (instead of background). I tried several presets in "Render Visibility" slot, without success. Thanks for helping.
  9. Hi; When I render my test fire scene, it only shows smoke in Alpha channel and I can't see flames. Any idea? Thanks.
  10. Hi there, Im stuck on this problem im facing. I have created a material which basically shows the wetmap (collision history) of my flip fluid colliding with my static object. The issue I face is how to export this diffuse material as an animated image sequence in the correct uv space and unwrap of the static object model. i want to use this in maya as a shader. If anyone has any suggestions i would be thankfull forever :). Cheers.
  11. Hi all, I need to use OpenGL cards for a project, and I'm noticing an issue with transparency. In the pictures below I have a transparent tif. From head on, the alpha works perfectly and I can see everything behind the texture. The more I look at it from the side, the transparency goes away until it is basically opaque. I noticed in the OpenGL docs http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/props/material.html#ogl that there are separate tags for alpha and alpha parallel. I can't find any way to apply the image alpha to the parallel alpha though. It works fine if I turn off use lighting, but I actually need to light my cards for this one. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read. Dylan
  12. Hi guys, I'm having trouble setuping a simple shadow matte material in Arnold for houdini, I don't know how to lay out my network to get only the shadows in the alpha channel of the grid: 01_default render 02_shadow matte render but wrong alpha 03_other failed attempt Any insight on how to properly use the shadow matte node ? Thanks a lot ! shadow_matte.hip
  13. Hello there, I was able to do constant materials with alpha to use as our background (matte paint). When rendering everything is working as supposed. But I would like to see it in Houdini viewport aswell. Any tips on this are welcome Cheers,
  14. hi, I have a question about pyroshader in houdini16. There are fire shading and smoke shading parameters separately. That's why I was thinking we could control alpha of fire and smoke separately, too. However, when I change general > smoke > Density Scale value, it influences to fire alpha, too. Then if I set the density scale to zero, actually fire alpha also becomes zero although fire's RGB shows red-yellow color. Thus questions are: 1 - what's the reason/concept we don't have a separate "fire density(alpha) scale" parameter? (Of course, we can separate fire and smoke by AOV with smoke_mask and fire_mask.) 2 - Let's say I need to create a custom shader for it. What kinds of two volume fields should I use for fire and smoke's alphas? Also, inside of pyroshader, there is a pyroshadercore node, which is an essential node but cannot be unlocked.
  15. Hello everyone! I have a problem with my alpha, when I render my clouds separately (what i don't render is in matte shading) I end up with weird alphas in compositing. Do some of you have the same problem, or is there something obvious I'm missing? Thank you!
  16. Hello! I have been searching online for a solution to creating an image plane to create an alpha matte. What I would like to do is get all the objects from my scene and have a separate black and white alpha matte for each object. I would like to be able to take the image into photoshop/after effects and be able to manipulate all the objects in my scene separately. I have followed the video below but this becomes quite the process once I have many objects in my scene. Ideally what I want is when I make an animation sequence that either the exr has layers with all the alpha mask or when I hit render it renders both my image and the alpha's as separate sequences. I also tried using this technique http://houdinitricks.com/matte-objects-houdini/ but when I activate the matte option it still renders the rest of my scene normally with only my object appearing in black. I just want a black and white alpha matte.
  17. Hi there, I was trying the composite features in H16, and found out that no matter what I do, the Chromakey and Lumakey nodes don’t output any alpha. I thought the problem was due to my File nodes not having any alpha plane on them, but even after creating one with the Color node, the alpha doesn’t get modified, just the colour plane —keyed out areas are black as expected. Is this normal behaviour, am I doing something wrong? Not attaching any example file since the only thing I’m doing is File > Chromakey or Lumakey, check the A plane, and it either doesn’t exist or it’s unmodified by the keyer. Thanks in advance!
  18. Hi! I'm following a tutorial and I found somthing rather annoying, in the video when the user sets alpha to be zero the curves (NURBS) go totally transparent but if I do the same I can see how the Alpha is going down but when it gets to zero the curves go full bright color, if I go until something like 0.001 it shows as expected (almost 0 visibility) all of this in the working viewport. I guess it is a display preference or something like that but I failed looking up for that toggle. Hope that anyone knows what is happening. Pardon my bad english and Thanks!
  19. Hi! I'm really new in houdini so probably this is a noob question: I have some outlines that are the outcome of some carve operations. When I animate the alpha from 0<Alpha<=1 everything goes as expected BUT in any frame that the value of alpha equals 0 I can see the outlines in bright color (the one that you could previously set). I don't know if this is only a viewport thing (I think it is) maybe some viewport feature or something like that because I'm following a tutorial and in the video setting the alpha as "0" makes them totally transparent. Hope that you can understand what I'm saying, my english is not that good. Thanks!
  20. Hey guys, I'm having an issue where the Alpha displays properly in the viewport but doesn't work when rendered. I've done this before, just a simple Constant shader, and it always worked. Here is what it looks like in viewport vs render: I looked at other threads and none of the solutions work in this scene. Here is the scene file: 0007_odforce.hip Thanks!
  21. Hi, I have a grid with some texture applied to it. The texture is a PNG and has transparency in it. In my viewport it looks al fine, But when I Render, I cant see the alpha onto it. Im using a constant material. How do I fix this? THNX
  22. Hi everyone, I have a problem with alpha masks, for instance: I want to render a one object in front of another (in this example just a sphere in front of a cube). However, I want to render them separately, because one object (in this case the sphere) is already finished, while the other (the cube) is still a work in progress, so I want to render objects as they are ready, instead of waiting for everything to be done and rendering everything at once. Once the cube is ready I want to render it and use my Sphere as a matte object in order to get my alpha mask. In Nuke I then lay the cube over the sphere. Now my problem is that my merged alpha is not solid (see attached images). Any suggestions on how to fix it? Thanks in advance. Cheers, alphaProblem.hip
  23. Hi, Thank you for this forum.I need a little help from you guys.I am advecting particles by volume of smoke.I animated the scale source volume in the source density to detach smoke from the source and disperse the remaining one.Kind of a gradual fade out effect.How can I have particles disappear the same way?Currently they keep going.Any way to map the data of scalar volume to say alpha of the particles? Or is there any other way? Thank you.
  24. Hello guys! I have come up with a problem where I want to render out some geometry that is totally opaque but want to keep it's alpha information on the alpha channel. I tried pluggin a constant value of 1 on the Surface Alpha value of the output node but the opacity overrides that and throws no alpha info. So in short, what I need is to make the geo invisible on the beauty but keep its info on the alpha channel. Thanks a lot!!!
  25. Have been searching around a lot on Google and don't find a working shader that works for particles point color and point alpha. Only one I found is the Clay shader in 12.5, I got this working. But it doesn't have any Specular or Reflectivity. Not skilled enough yet to make my own that does work. Newb. Anyone who can help? Thanks M.
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