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I've already checked the stats, so I do know what you lot use when visiting the site ;). But I thought I'd ask anyway to get everyones opinion.

Having finished with the challenge I'm on the verge of rebuilding od[force] from the ground up. Since its a total do-over I'd like to incorporate some of the newer web standards. I'm not going to shove in any browser specific things, but I plan on following the XHTML and CSS standards very closely. Obviously this means that Netscape 4.7 is not going to work at all, but all the new browsers will cope just fine.

Does anyone have any issues with this, and if so, why? I don't forsee any problems, but I obviously don't want to make any terrible decisions up front :)



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Well, I'm not sure about the SGI and Solaris folks, but Linux users definitely have tons of options. Why I'm using netscape 7 on Linux right now, and its brilliant. Best linux browser I've used.

Checking the stats, Irix and Solaris users account for a grand total of 1% of visitors to the site. So I'm guessing that alot of people browse from different machines than their workstations...

Oh and, make it a little bit more like the old od[force] site! It was honestly one of the most stylized websites that I've ever seen!

You liked that one? really? wow.....who woulda thunk it :).

Seriously though, did you prefer it to the current design style?

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Good, 'cause mozilla supports the relevant css and xhtml that I need.

But thanks for pointing that out, it'll be a good way for me to test whether it can be seen..



P.S. Actually... Edward, could you find out exactly which mozilla libraries are used?

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  Marc said:
Well, I'm not sure about the SGI and Solaris folks, but Linux users definitely have tons of options. Why I'm using netscape 7 on Linux right now, and its brilliant. Best linux browser I've used.

Well, I noted Linux because I know quite a few folks who still use Netscape 4.x. Don't ask me why though :o(Probably because they found Mozilla too buggy? Or that they need to upgrade their whole system, in order to install the proper libs for those new[er] browsers out there...)

Checking the stats, Irix and Solaris users account for a grand total of 1% of visitors to the site. So I'm guessing that alot of people browse from different machines than their workstations...

Oh well, in that case never mind it! I myself use Linux (NS7.1) and Win2K (IE6.0) mostly.

You liked that one? really? wow.....who woulda thunk it :).

Seriously though, did you prefer it to the current design style?

Hell yeah! :D

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(Probably because they found Mozilla too buggy? Or that they need to upgrade their whole system, in order to install the proper libs for those new[er] browsers out there...)

I'm fairly certain that NS7 will install just fine on the later versions of redhat. And like our disclaimer says, if you're running anything older then you probably won't be able to run Houdini either, so this site is of no use to ya :D .

Hell yeah! :D

ok....well.... uh.


The new design is going to be built for of ease of use in navigation and everything very clearly laid out (without sacrificing look). The reason being is that we're going to be adding some sections, and the site is getting too big to have some cryptic stylized design. Of course, I'm not a designer by trade, so it could well end up being that despite my best intentions :rolleyes:



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I've been using Mozilla 1.x, on both Linux and Windows, since it was available and I have not experienced any problem with odforce and other sites. except those specifically designed (read: flawed) for IE.

Honestly, it doesn't really matter how it looks. More important is the content and the community. :)



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Actually, Mozilla is available for Irix at SGI's site, and it's current, 1.4 rc1. I'm sure there is a Solaris build available as well, so you won't really be shutting anyone out no matter what platform they are on. I do agree that'd it'd be a good idea to make sure the site works in Houdini's browser though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:o Hey what about lynx? I only use that when I am away from my w2k box. I think xhtml would be god, that way the site would be more compatible with cell phones and pda's :-P God knows we need more people browsing the web while their driving ;)

I myself use mozilla firebird, which I find to be the lightest browser next to lynx, or galeon. I like galeon better than konquerer netscape = "poop" ~ IE



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hmm... I was going to post a long tirade about old browsers and where they can get off :).

Instead I'll say this, lynx shmynx.

When the new site comes, I'll make sure that the disclaimer can be read by everyone so that people understand why their pathetic system can't see the glory of our site.....

hehe :D

P.S. Any mozilla version supports CSS1 and a fair amount of CSS2 too, so you needn't worry.

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