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If we put everything on highest settings, cross our fingers, and do a preview perhaps?

Hm, dunno why but that reminds me: if we save a mantra onto a harddrive it will spin thousands of time per minute and hence be equal to a super prayer wheel, increasing our karma millionfold.

That may help too. Just a little tip to the devs out there.

Edited by Macha
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The Max model looks like it's using a lot of normal and specular maps (which H11 can do, along with bump and environment maps), though it's a little unclear if the fur is DX11 tessellated isolines (hardware devs' gift to hair/fur) or just a jumble of hair texture mapped polys. Either way it looks pretty good. The lighting looks like a basic spotlight.

H10 also has options in the flipbook to do supersampled DOF and motion blur (Effects tab), though they aren't quite as nice or fast as the shader-based DOF in the maya viewport. The speed of these effects is why they're only available in the flipbook.

The main guideline for effects in the Houdini viewport is that we don't do effects that mantra can't do with its generic shaders (like bloom lighting). Also, we aren't done in the viewport yet :)

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Games are games and that is fine. These two tech videos are imho opinion geared toward games. The Houdini viewport is geared more towards film but there's nothing that I am seeing in these two videos that is not possible in the Houdini viewport in H11.

Lots of great talent and time went in to those two videos btw at a substantial cost. I "expect" them to be flashy. ;)

Unlimited number of lights, HDRI rendering and the color correction bar in the viewport are crtical for film pipelines. Are you guys using these features? I can't do volumetrics and fluid simulations without them! Tons of information beyond 0-1 to pull around.

I also don't see ambient occlusion or soft shadows in those demos which imho are geared toward games. AO can really pop features on very detailed models in the viewport with not too much cost.

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and IMHO, as a game artist and a max user(sad...), it's as nice as it's useless.

I don't want, and don't need to spend time to tweak rt shader in max viewport then spend at least the same amount of time to tweak shaders in my game engine.

Maybe this will be interesting when Autodesk will be able to offer a complete game tool-chain. From max/maya/xsi to a multi-plateform real time engine.

For now the improve on their crapy unwrap tool is a much more usefull feature...

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I agree with both Ben and Old School.

It looks nice. (Gotta be some sharing of tech with Mudbox going on there) but I doubt it will speed up productivity.

I still think the IPR render in Maya and Houdini is a much better way to go for working out shaders, and flipbook/playblasts will still be the default simply because of the speed.

I think where it could be used the most is in feature animation where you have to animate a character walking in a pool of light or into focus, but the layout and lighting phase usually happens after a shot is animated so maybe it could start in-conjunction with that process.

Nice but not necessary, but then again i would imagine this will be something they will push over the next few years.

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These are the exact discussion I was having here with my coworkers. We are all ex-max user who decided to change once we were paying big bucks on upgrades of stuff there weren't really usable for us (games production).

Now, how(why) would I use that charcoal preview?

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To be honest I just watched the first video, made the post and then went to bed ;). I think it was mainly the lighting/fur I was responding to in the video. But you're right, with some tweaking we could probably get something similar.

Nice posts though.


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