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It looks pretty good to me so far!

I have a few suggestions though:

> The mouth should be a bit wider. Plus I'd draw an edge extra over the bottom lip, so that you can shape it better (and get it more rounded).

> The eyes look good, but the transition from eyelid to forehead is a little too smooth, especially on the 'edges' of the head. Unless you're going for a Mongoloid(-looking) person.

> The nose looks good to me so far, the nostrils are obviously not done yet, so I will wait till you have finished it.

> Hmmm well, overall proportions seem okay. Well, maybe you should try placing the mouth a little higher (from the chin).

> The last thing, you should check out is the jaw (and mouth area).

Here's an example of what I mean.


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Thanks Calosus.

I mainly worked on the cheek and the eye socket region yesterday. I haven't worked on teh lips yet since day one. I still haven't quite got the shape around the eye socket region that I am happy with. But hopefully today I get to spend a little bit of time on the nose. :)

The eye socket region was definitely somewhat more difficult for me because I have been trying to incorporate more of an Asian feature into it. But thanks for pointing it out. I was too caught up to notice that area. Will work on it now. :D

Many thanks!


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Hi Betty,

The model is actually a lo-res mesh (!!).

Unfortunately, I've made such a huge mess today that I think I'll have to restart on it... :( It was a mistake, I think, to sculpt the basic form from orthographic front view - so when it looks correct in this view, the perspective view was way off and vice versa. I am not sure why I didn't think about this until a few moments ago...

I still have such a major difficulties dealing with the cheek/eye socket/temple region... they may look correct in one camera angle, and certain light angle/intensity, then when I change them, the surface looks rather unrealistic... (Oh, did I mention the forehead as well??)

Please be reminded that I am not attempting photoreal, tho. It's more on teh Final Fantasy 8/10 kind of style that I am chasing after. Not much success so far, but I will keep trying.

Here's what I have as of today's tweaking. This screenshot was taken before I realized about the problems between the ortho view and perspective view... Probably spent only about 4 hrs trying to figure out what's wrong. (I really wish I have an experienced person there to show me my errors rather than realizing the errors later...) But I think I see my errors now after numerous photos...

Anyway, I am just going to start from scratch when I wake up in the morning. It's 4AM over here now...




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Ok... just looking back at the model again... may be I can still redeem it.

I should have followed my own feeling when I first feel that it will work. But thank goodness for Houdini's totally non-destructive workflow. I can go back in time to save them. :)


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"The model is actually a lo-res mesh (!!)."

Well, now i must say i am a little concerned....but hey that's just me. I think you may be amazed at what can be achieved with a minimum amount of geometry.

I think starting from scratch is a great idea! It's the best way to learn, just go again and again. Of course you must pay attention to where you went wrong.

Re: orthographic/perspective view; i think it best to mostly be in perspective view. I mean, that is how you actually see things and you can constantly be moving around your model as you sculpt away. So you should be getting a good idea of what's going on.

The other thing is, i wouldn't really worry about what looks real or not. I think they all look real, if you look at people you'll see how vastly different our most basic features are from each other. But i suppose if you're going for the classical greek look, ( or whatever you want to call it ), well you do have an ideal you are striving for.......i don't really know what i'm saying here....mmm..anyway

So i just read you next post, so you'll redeem it..cool, everybody has there own patterns of working that they feel comfortable with.

Just keep going!


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"The model is actually a lo-res mesh (!!)."

Well, now i must say i am a little concerned....but hey that's just me. I think you may be amazed at what can be achieved with a minimum amount of geometry.

Re: orthographic/perspective view; i think it best to mostly be in perspective view. I mean, that is how you actually see things and you can constantly be moving around your model as you sculpt away. So you should be getting a good idea of what's going on.

Hi Betty,

Thank you for your input. Quite a lot of people have been telling me that they are concerned about my detail so far. It's kind of weird, I still find this resolution still workable. I do admit, tho, that controling the form is somewhat a bit slower at this res. However, you're right. On my next modeling, I'll do my best to not go overboard with the resolution until refinement stage.

After seeing my good friend's human topology set up, I have been rather anal about cleanliness and the flow of the topology. The current topology set up is fairly new to me because I am attempting at Rene Morel's set up, which, I strongly believe is essentially the same set up as NURB patch modeling. I think this probably explains a little bit about my topology set up and its resolution.

oh, as far as the ortho/persp goes, I model in the front vew and the side view from time to time to try to nail down the form - big mistake. : P

As I read it on someone's signature line, "I haven't failed yet, just found more ways it won't work." I think this is definitely true in our learning experience in CG field. :D

Thanks again! :)


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But thank goodness for Houdini's totally non-destructive workflow. I can go back in time to save them. :)

and I was just about to ask, couldn't you just delete your sculpt sop? :)

good reason as to why you should never do "delete history". all you need to do is lock certain parts of your network down and never worry about the memory issue. (well, and maybe occasionally restarting your houdini session)

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Hey there Dante,

I never use a sculpt SOP in this model at all... if you want to konw, polysplit, dissolve, blast, edit SOP, and a few of poly extrude are about all that I have on my network editor. They're all manual labors, I guess. I use Sculpt SOP only to shape generalized area out or as a desperate measure. However, I haven't done it on this head yet. I have about 100 SOPs by now. I am sure I can cut the number of SOPs down if I go back to clean it up.

Houdini's non-destructive workflow is the reason why I can no longer work in any other modeling package. :D



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"Houdini's non-destructive workflow is the reason why I can no longer work in any other modeling package"

AMEN... i have run into many cases of "doh, wish i can undo this....ahh wait, houdini..not a problem!!!"....its also kickass for UVs!!!

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Hey everyone.

ANyway, here's another update. I am VERY FAR from completion at the moment. I still haven't work on the mouth and the nose that much yet... This is roughly about 50 hrs of work thus far. (Yes, I've been slacking... <_<)

There is still an aspect of modeling I still haven't been able to figure out yet...

However, do you think this head is male or is it female? If possible, please provide me a reason to your answer so that I may better understand what I should do.

Thank you everyone for your time!




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Pretty good Alex, looks female to me. It's mostly the shape of the eyes, the thin nose & chin, and also the fullness of the lips.

I'm working on a female face too at the moment, and it's not going so well.

It's much harder than I expected, to create a face that looks believable, like it could be a real person.

I think I'll have to start over since it looks a bit too much like a poser head now. :(

Good luck with yours Alex.

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add one more male vote here....

...err....just because I think it's a male....

migh want to "inflate" the body of the nose a little bit...it's curved inwards in a way ony CG or plasic surgery could create :)

and some easily fixable mirroring seams are showing on the lips...

but then again, it's just me...

cool thing though, for 50 hrs of work!...

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hey alex,

Looking good!

i would say female at this point, the features are softer than i would expect to see on a male, or even a young boy.

reason: high cheek bones, the occlusion of a prominant brow, jaw line is also smooth, and the nose is petite (sorta) - i know you havent worked on that area much, but ill just make an observation if i may :) if female, the nose could probably be smaller. if its male keep the nose the way it is. deffinately getting the impression this model would be from asian decent.

i think right now this model is A-sexual, it can go either way!

good job slick!

mike c. :D

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Thanks everyone! :)

All your reason are good ones and they provide me a way to see what I should do next. Anyhow, let's see what happen at 100th hour. Let's hope I don't get too many distraction between now and then. HOpefully I am done by then. :D

Anyone else have more?



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