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Does anybody know how to add ids to flipfluid particles in H12.

I tried all sorts but can't get it to work stably. Where are the particles genereated???

Even a non-than-perfect id would be OK.

Edited by Macha
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A slide modification to the setup from Flip Viscosity Driven by Age.

Check the added AttribCreate in /obj/AutoDopNetwork/source_surface_from_sphere_object1/source_particles/attribcreate_ID

It will start to produce duplicate IDs if particles are ever removed, though.

If the IDs do not need to be consecutive, I guess you could multiply them by $F*10000000 to get rid of the duplicates :)


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Hm. I'll try it. I added my own sopsolver in there before but couldn't get good results, mostly because particles are born and die and its hard to find the frame where they are born (I tried to find the birthframe by putting them in a group and comparing if they already are in it, but it's not stable somehow).

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Hm. I'll try it. I added my own sopsolver in there before but couldn't get good results, mostly because particles are born and die and its hard to find the frame where they are born (I tried to find the birthframe by putting them in a group and comparing if they already are in it, but it's not stable somehow).

Just add a point attribute with $F after the fluid source in SOPs.

I think the default FLIP setup is to source from points not volume, but I cant check right now.

Edited by mawi
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Does anybody know how to add ids to flipfluid particles in H12.

I tried all sorts but can't get it to work stably. Where are the particles genereated???

Even a non-than-perfect id would be OK.

Dont take my word on it but, if I remember correct one would like to stay away from the pop-solver due to speed. The flip fluid is not particles, its points and therefor missing id.

They are generated by merging in the source points into the Geometry data of the fluid.

This is done in a SOP solver in the volume source DOP.

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Does anybody know how to add ids to flipfluid particles in H12.

I tried all sorts but can't get it to work stably. Where are the particles genereated???

Even a non-than-perfect id would be OK.

Are you using the reseed particles option in the particle motion tab?

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I just did a quick test with the pop solver and had everything off apart from "Apply Rules". Didn't take any longer with a location and age node inside than if I disconnected the pop solver altogether.

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  • 3 months later...

Just for completeness:

Houdini 12.1.30: The FLIP Solver has a new option to add a unique id attribute to each particle. Additionally, the Reseeding operation has been updated to properly create new ids when generating new particles.

Also in 12.0.706

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  • 6 years later...

I had the same issue before. you're probably just running out of IDs since it's only a 32 bits integer (2,147,483,647 max)
It's going back to zero after that max value. it seems like a lot of particles, but after a few hundred frames it's likely that
2 particles have the same IDs. One solution is to add a secondary integer attribute to extend the range of IDs, you'll need
to edit the FLIP solver's part where is ID is generated. hope that makes sense

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