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The Cornell Box Diaries


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Interesting results. :)

I rendered the scene with low-quality settings.

H7:  1min 33sec

H8: 20sec

Nice speedup. Looks better too.


Heh heh! Progress! :)

Now to replace the innocous box with a burning tyrannosaur attacking a maurauding group of ZOOOMBIESSS!

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  • 3 years later...
Thanks MG! And no... it was time to move on. :lol:

No problem, I've been very busy myself during these last few years. I've been working with Houdini all that time, only not very intensively (not as much as I'd like to). It's nice to see this forum still alive and well, and familiar people like yourself.

The reason I asked you about IRIX is because not all too long ago I got my hands on a Tezro, and I definitely don't want to 'move on' and away from it yet! With a FC HDD-array and all, it's really nice. The kind of quality you will rarely find nowadays, even if the CPU speed isn't on par with the nowadays' faster/fastest x86 systems (the throughput is amazing). I'd say, the reason why Linux is so good and so successful is probably because it can look a lot like IRIX. But then, Linux only if you have a system that is hand-picked to work with the configuration (and drivers available for it). By the way, what kind of SGI system do/did you have?

It's such a shame SGI gave up on its MIPS-powered IRIX line. Well till in 2007, studios have been using SGIs. It has only decreased since then, except for some fields (medical/scientific research [for MRI scanning, even O2s are still doing that nicely I heard recently], some post-production studios still have SGI-powered IFFFS suites to name a few things).

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Nice. I really wouldn't mind a Tezro myself, that's a sexy machine right there. :wub: What do you use it for? I still check nekochan from time to time, I know there's a decent amount of GNU stuff that the community has put together for IRIX. I've got an ol' Octane that is sitting in the closet right now. I don't have sync-on-green monitor for it anymore, or space really. IRIX was actually my first introduction to UNIX, and I didn't touch Linux until a good while later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late answer! For some reason I didn't receive any e-mail notifcation.

Nice. I really wouldn't mind a Tezro myself, that's a sexy machine right there. :wub: What do you use it for?

Believe it or not, it became my main 'workstation' if you will. I use it all the time. I've also gotten a fibre channel disk array with it, it's amazing and I've pledged to never use Windoze again unless I'm forced to. Unfortunately, I am forced to for university work, for that I use my Win.XP64 laptop (which is unfortunate enough not to be able to run Linux effectively, due to a lack of several very important kernel drivers; like for the LAN and WLAN adapters).

As for actual purposes, I'm into a lot of compositing and editing (for which SGI is

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additionally I also love to develop software. Especially for RISC platforms like ARM and MIPS.

This sounds odd to me. How is developing software on an ARM/MIPS platform going to matter unless you're programming in Assembly? Oh, *are* programming in Assembly? :)

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