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incremental button ?

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Solution 1 (hack)


- Create the buttons in the Edit Parameter Interface.

- Use the Callback Script to update the value your parameter.

- You can put the code in the small box but the gui removes newlines!  :blink: 

- So if writing python add semi-colons (hack)

parm = hou.parm('tx');
increment = parm.evalAsFloat() + 1;

Solution 2


Proper way is to create a new custom operator that way it's more reusable.
Option 1:
Reference a function from HDA Module. Write the function inside Scripts (Event Handler: Python Module) and then call it in the callback:
Option 2:
- Add a script file reference it with opdef:
- Not worth the hazzle. Just do option 1.
Solution 3 (hack)
Use a script to insert the code bypassing the gui.
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It's slightly unrelated but can you get the currently edited parameter in Python and then modify it? That would allow you to increment values using hotkeys. I assume this can't be done.


You can but the hotkey can't be just `+`  or `-


Using PARMmenu.xml create a new entry with a script to increment the param value and assign it a hotkey.

Edited by ayidi
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Thanks so just to be sure, I will for example select a node, click inside a parameter field like Scale, and then press the hotkey I assigned and it will operate on the active field, i.e. to set it to a fixed value, double it, etc? Not by right clicking the menu item?


If so, I will get to it right away :)

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select a node, click inside a parameter field like Scale, and then press the hotkey I assigned and it will operate on the active field, i.e. to set it to a fixed value, double it, etc


That's correct.

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Ok I checked that file and it seems logical but I don't know where my script will reside and how I will link it to the menu? If I understand it correctly, the name of my shelf button (not label) for example will be the id name I will use in the menu file?

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Ok I checked that file and it seems logical but I don't know where my script will reside and how I will link it to the menu? If I understand it correctly, the name of my shelf button (not label) for example will be the id name I will use in the menu file?


You stole the thread.


Create a file named PARMmenu.xml with the following and place it in your Houdini preference folder or next to your .hip file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <addScriptItem id="parm_increment">
            <scriptCode><![CDATA[# Increment Script
for parm in kwargs['parms']:
    parmType = parm.parmTemplate().type()
    if parmType == hou.parmTemplateType.Int:
        parm.set(parm.evalAsInt() + 1)
    elif parmType == hou.parmTemplateType.Float:
        parm.set(parm.evalAsFloat() + 1)
        <addScriptItem id="parm_decrement">
            <scriptCode><![CDATA[# Decrement Script
for parm in kwargs['parms']:
    parmType = parm.parmTemplate().type()
    if parmType == hou.parmTemplateType.Int:
        parm.set(parm.evalAsInt() - 1)
    elif parmType == hou.parmTemplateType.Float:
        parm.set(parm.evalAsFloat() - 1)

Edited by ayidi
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Thanks a lot man, it works. I am sure kleer will be interested in this trick as well :)


When I try to assign it a hotkey though, Houdini doesn't let me. This is what I see, but I can't click the Assigned Keys section as there is nothing selected in the middle section of that dialog.



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