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Mold Growing

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I need to generate the effect of mold growing  ,it's the sequence from minute 1 to 1:13 of the attached video

....I don'tknow that much of houdini for wich kind of techniques should I use to create this or what path could I take..

my main problem is how to generate the softbody colliding behavior of so many shapes that are also transforming themselfs over time and also gets drag by the floor movement...

I don't know where to start, wich techniques I should consider to tackle this problem..

of course I might generate a simplier form of this sim with particle systems and state triggers...but it wouldn't generate the deformation.

I try also fur sims but I'm a little lost on creating the growing bulging parts...... well any contribution in form of tutorials or any insights into the problem would be much appreciated :) .


Edited by jmquintela
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Hola! sepu, sii soy de santiago Chile! jaja, y tu de donde eres ? :D ...

yeaa I've got that Differential line growth working already and the difussion reaction tuts also,
amazing techniques... but for this problem I don't know if they apply...
I found a space colonization technique to do the floor spreading part,
where I grow a tree like network by consuming nearby points.

I imagine it's more like a cloth sim,but I still don't visualize how to start..

mostly because I don't know how to control softbodies on hou that much.

In houdini I've got like little test of things but nothing very promising,

I was playing on xsi ice with a particle system,
instancing different models and offseting their time,
but the collition part it's killing me...

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i think you  have to takle this the simple way.

I you need this camera angle don't deal with collision you don't need it. Camera Fov, Dof, and good scattering and intelligent normal distribution will do the job for you. 

Try this way. 

Make a circle 

with a wrangler or vopsop add a density value with a turbulence

scatter some points 

add a ripple sop do animate the ground

add a point sop plug the scatter in input 1. Add a transform node to the scatter and multiply uniform scale by 1.1 and plug this to input 2. Add  $TX2-$TX,$TY2-$TY, $TZ2-$TZ to normal


this will  will be your template for copy node.

now the  "plant"

make an l-system with very simple rule like 

premise FA

rule1 A=+FA

plug this to your copy node

Stamp value for generation and angle 

generation something like fit(rand($Pt),0,1,0,ch("grow"))

angle something like sin(($F*2)+$PT)*5

you can add plenty of attribute like width to get meshing like @width=fit(@ptnum,0,@numpt-1,1,0); in a wrangler sop

now you have a basic setup

to make it more systemic you can accumulate value into the template.

You could use point cloud to accumulate value and send this as reference into the copy sop 

Don't use any kind of collision detection.

I you really need it. 

Just group the first l-system point. 

DOP wires the object. 

Add pin constrain call the firsts points group. 


get back wire simulation 

make the mesh after with this. 


...but i really think you don't need DOP for this...only sop solver....


Edited by Spyrogif
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Mainly what I'm doing and it's working  is  to create a tool to animate molds
with 2 carves, a polywire and and vopsop that let me animate the width over the curve( that I found right in odforce).
so I animate two carves with the same  expression...

with one carve  I get the curve,
the other gives me the tip point..
this tip point will transfer attributes later for refraction and color changes to the mesh,
instead of animating maps and genratin UV I multiply those values at the end.
then I pass all this on a bend and bang...

Of course all this values are stamp by a copy node to generate N slightly different models
from each animation, so I have for each I animation of a mold, I have NxI amount of models to work with.

At the end I load this animated models into a state machine based mainly on change by nearness.


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