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Multiverse IO plugin


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With multiverse you can save several alembic versions in one single file and then later switch between versions the same way you can do it in a source code revision system like git (what is the base of multiverse). This way you do not have to deal with several files but only one. And you can switch easily beweteen applications. Let's say you need different alembics of the same geometry into maya, e.g. you have a hires fluid for rendering and a lowres one for UI, with multiverse you can embed it into one file.

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Isn't that workflow inefficient? I mean - having multiple versions of big assets inside one alembic file. Then you can easily end up with several tens of gigabites big alembics.

Loading them and transferring over network does not seem efficient when you are dealing with the whole history and you are interested only in the top one :)

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