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Continue simulation from a certain frame


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Hey guys, 

I'm doing a pyro sim and had to interrupt the simulation before finishing due to needing the computer for other work. 

Now I wanted to continue the simulation from a certain frame but I've run into trouble. 

I duplicated on of my .sc files and made it a .sim (maybe this doesn't work?) 
And tried to continue but it restarts the pyro (from that frame) and just resumes with the current source being fed into it. 

What is it that I need to do here? 

Thanks in advance! 


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I can add that I tried with the DOP setting "Start Frame" at both the start and from where I wanted to continue. 
When it's from the start it simply "finished" the simulation with the rest of the frames being empty at 2kb each. 
When it's from the previous frame to continue from what was originally described happened. 

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To continue the simulation at a certain frame you need a sim file for this frame. Sim files can be exported from the dop network. I prefer to use a file node in the dop network to write sim files to disk. Then you can use the last sim file as inital state in the dop network - of course you will have to set the sim start to your new start frame.

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You are mixing two completely different things here. Usually you do a sim and save only the result of the sim without all additional sim data which is needed for simulation (e.g. collision geometry, additional fields). So your final simulation result contains (in your case) some fields like temperature, velocity, density etc. These can be saved in the dopIO as bgeo, bgeo.sc or other formats. If you want to continue a simulation you will have to save the .sim files out of your dop network (as much as I know) what happens during simulation. You cannot convert the result of a simulation into a .sim file, you will have to do the simulation again.

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