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here's a piece of a character I did on houdini (at least the geometry). Still can't get to set up these things nicely on houdini...

please, don't critisize a lot about the moustache... i'm still trying to get it deforming nicely along with the face. Well, at least it compresses ok between the mouth and nose when the guy shuts up :), like me now


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Thanks a lot for the good words, guys :)

plan, indeed he's supposed to be Don Quijote from the novel (btw, one of the greatest ever written) so I take it as a compliment that you recognized it!

Jason, I wouldn't mind making a movie sometime, in the ways the one I did on CHOPS some time ago. I don't know if anybody noticed, but the last two images are taken from Softimage|3D, that's where I'm doing the actual setup and animation, but I can redo it in Houdini for the purpose of the movie thing. I'm open to suggestions.

I've also been trying to make an easy way to model hair in houdini. So far I've got to be able to paint lenth and direction of hairs through copystamping and point expression, but I don't know how to curve the hairs. Hairs bend as I paint the normal but straight from the root, which is not natural at all... any ideas?

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great stuff,

i've been very caught up with stuff of late and haven't been able to do much so it was great to come into this thread!! new models!! great!

and miguel i really this dig this dude. just wondering why do the set-up in soft|3d? is it because of personal preference because houdini is lacking?

it would be good to share set-up experience but i suppose that's for elsewhere.

back to the modle, yes very inspitational. you got me started last night, i'll have her/him up tomorrow.

thanks again guys


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awesome betty :D what did you use for this particular model? subD's, NURBS perhaps...maybe you ran into some interesting workarounds? I usually find some new process (usually small workarounds) whenever i tackle a new project.

miguel - it is very much a compliment ;) and i would agree, the novel is awesome! - is it spelt Don Quixote or Quijote?

keep em coming folks, really fun seeing your work :D

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