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Technique for modeling a wheel


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I would like to know if you have any ideas on how to start modeling a shape like this procedurally in Houdini:



I've already managed to build the tyre with help from the Creep SOP, but if you have any techniques you'd like to share, I'd be happy to learn those as well!


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Thank you for the link! I've actually seen that one before a few times, and while I feel that there are some good steps there I have come up with an easier process. You used bending to achieve the curvature along both axes, while I drew a curve profile for my tyre base, revolved it to create the tyre, converted it to a NURBS surface which I then swept my tread pattern along using the Creep SOP. The Creep SOP also allows for control over surface coverage quite easily, as well as making sure it is impossible to create any overlaps. I'm sure the way you generated the tread pattern is similar to mine, and will work in my process as well.


Edited by Fenolis
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