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Vellum's bend-stiffness control


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hi, I try to use vellum in order to create TreeFX. Then I took two tests with Lsystem, and vellumsolver with wind and standard gravity:

1 - apply polywire and vellumCloth. 

2 - apply just vellumHair

I set bend stiffness a very large number for the both tests, but branch still bend so much, cannot make stiff well. Setting more substep helps not to bend, but not enough.

Does anyone succeed to control bend parameter very well?





Edited by tagosaku
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low res geometry bends less than high res geos.

Same idea as if I ask you to bend for me a 1x1x1 box. If the box has only 1 segment in any direction....you'd say how the hell can you bend it ? Yes 1 segment is a bit extreme...but it illustrates the point...so lower the segments count of your branch...upping the segcount is a mistake.

Simple comparison, same Hair settings for both lines, since it's simple....I even left substep at 1...for other cases, upping the substep can help too.


Edited by Noobini
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To Vusta

Thanks for you reply. Yeah, I tried your hip file. Motion is very unstable and animation never stop. I think we need something new ideas to make a wire simulation. Otherwise I need to cheat to set gravity zero.
Of course, the stretch prevention is so much better than a traditional wire sim. I was thinking vellum could replace the wire sim but maybe not...

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To AtomicPerception 

Thanks for your reply. I took a look at your file, too. So far, important parameters to keep not-bending are:

resample node > max segments 1 or 2 (more than 3 are bending a lot)

GroupExpression node > @P.y<0.25 0r 0.5 (How many particles to pins also effects a lot. In other words, Pinning only a root particle is not enough)

vellumconstraints(hair) > stiffness 1e+10 and dampingRatio=0.1 is pretty good. (1.0 makes bend a lot. 0.01 makes to keep moving/shaking.)

VellumSolver node > set constraintIte and substeps larger numbers make less bending

After that, I added subdivide node, instead of resample. Then wire gets smooth&curvy. 



Edited by tagosaku
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20 minutes ago, anim said:

if you want branches and fruit to mutually affect each other you can use stitch constraint or glue constraint

attach to geo is just one way constraint 

oh yeah, ok, never considered that '2 way action'...

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On 2019/1/11 at 8:34 AM, anim said:

if you want branches and fruit to mutually affect each other you can use stitch constraint or glue constraint

attach to geo is just one way constraint 

yes, that's true. Question would be how to attach leaves/fruits on tips of branches. If anyone find tutorials shows how to create/construct real tree, instead of using the speed-tree, it would be great!!

Or if you can just tell me how to detect the end of wires or tips of branches, it would be very helpful, too. I think I have to use VEX like a primvertexcount in order to find points that share only one vertex, which should be tips or beginning of root. 


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