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Keeping RBD pieces from falling off

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Hi everyone,

I am simulating a two line of text falling from top on floor, an i would like to have the pieces just crack and not tumble all over the place, I am using glue and soft constraints, and drag force. I cant seem to get it to not fall over the place (the idea is that it should be broken but still readable)

here is the file with assets:



I would appreciate a ton if someone can help me out :)



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increasing the stiffness of the soft constraints makes them bounce away (my bounce setting is at 0), and i didn't quite catch what did you exactly mean by "chunks of very strong glue constraints" - i would appreciate of you can break it down a bit more.

thanks a lot for the reply


I got a little better result by tweaking a couple of parameters and moving the right part of the text a bit further to the right, however it's still far from ideal (most of them are settled apart from a couple of letters), here it is for your reference: https://we.tl/t-Q3ck68flC5


Is there a way i can add a wrangle snippet in the post solve section saying that if anything is moving after a certain frame to pull down its velocity?

Edited by demoan666
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Made some changes. The soft constraints aren't getting you any thing. Increase the strength of the glue constraints, and I added some collision geometry on the sides of your RBD to keep things in place. Also, you are shooting yourself in the foot by having your text start that high up. Just let it start barely above the ground and just settle a bit.



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On 29.08.2019 at 8:04 PM, demoan666 said:

Hi everyone,

I am simulating a two line of text falling from top on floor, an i would like to have the pieces just crack and not tumble all over the place, I am using glue and soft constraints, and drag force. I cant seem to get it to not fall over the place (the idea is that it should be broken but still readable)

here is the file with assets:



I would appreciate a ton if someone can help me out :)




try to play with gravity dop and popwrangle dops in the DopNetwork and with timeshift sop in DOP_Import also



Edited: I've did some correction and re-uploaded the scene.


Edited by vicvvsh
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