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[Solved] Grid to sphere with Bend Sop


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in that post here, How to transform a sphere to a planar grid ? @magneto said, its possible to create a sphere from a grid with two bend sops.

The first bend works as expected. But with the second bend I only get strange results.

Does anyone know, how to do that?
Didnt want to write in that post since its from 2013 :)

Thx alot!

Edit: Thats how it looks in Softimage


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I tried this and was not able to create a sphere from a grid.

The first bend is a flat fan, not the start of a cylinder, based on the inputs shown in Salomon's post.  I can't think of a bend that  could make that into a sphere. I am using the bend setting from your picture.image.thumb.png.17407b9c723a973e27062aa35b0b4eea.pnguld m

Could you share a scene file or more information on the second bend.


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Thanks Saloman,

Rotating 90 degrees on the x, was important.

If you have a full houdini license, the default will be to save a scene as an hipc (commercial).  (File/Save).  If you have an indie license the default is hiplc (limited commercial) and apprentice is hipnc (not commercial)

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Just a detail but as is, the bend values don't reflect the actual bending proportions. (bend1 angle x1 bend2 angle x2)

If you constrain the capture length to the grid size, then you get correct proportions, and most importantly you can change the grid size freely

Grid_to_Sphere F.hiplc

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I've buid it in H17.
Probably why it don't work in H18. But it's strange, traditionaly when a node change SideFX change node version.
And in this case it should load the 1.0 version, and It should working.

is there a version number on this new sop ?

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While primuv() refers to intrinsic primitive coordinates, uvsample() uses the whole texture coordinates (no promotion to point attributes needed).

vector bb = relbbox(0, v@P).xzy;
v@P = uvsample(1, 'P', 'uv', bb);

Please look into this thread to see how you can cut the grid along the seams before applying it to another mesh:



Edited by konstantin magnus
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Thanks Konstantin
I've checked the link examples, but I really miss something here.
I' probably don't fully understand how houdini handles UVs.

First : I don't really understand what intrinsic uv mean. Thus I dont really understand difference between primuv and uvsample. May be a language problem. For me intrinsic mean  : "Which is contained by nature". is it uv created or calculated on the fly ?
Second : Your last exemple work with grid -> rubbertoy but not with rubbertoy -> sphere, more precisely
don't work with respect to original uvs. You use relbbox to create new "pseudos" UVs, while UVs exist. why ?

Third : I made a very simple example to illustrate. While I've begin to study  the link examples and I kind of understood what is done,  I still don't understand why in this very simple example uvsample don't work. neither with point uv nor vertex uv.
- is uvsample should be run in a vertex wrangle ? (seem not)

I need to dive deeper in the exemples but some light should be welcome.

Thanks for the help

Cube to sphere.hipnc


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