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Vellum approach to splashing water droplets


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Hi forum! Seeking out some help here, cos I can't get my head around generating vellum geometry.

I am working on a scene where I need to create close-up splashing water droplets on a  static surface. Typically this would probably be a FLIP task but it seems like overkill and I am only after a couple of droplets, so the idea is to make rain and splashes with particles, copy some spheres on them and feed them to vellum to get some nice softbodies, then VDB them.

My problem is I don't understand how I can "emit" on my source points that come to existence arbitrarily (ie. not on frame 1) and differentiate the newly created vellum patches. I've looked around, watched the masterclasses, I understand it has to be somehow parallel to constraint creation, maintain point count/id etc, but I cant figure out the solution.

Its gonna be a single splash so continuous emission (as in a particle emitter per se) doesn't work for me. 

Any pointers are appreciated, check the hip for a rough sketch of the problem!

Thanks in advance!


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just an idea, but instead of simulation all the geo at once, you could set up a sim for each droplet which starts at its brith frame inside a foreach loop running over the pop sim points. To boost efficiency you could use a TOP network instead of a foreach and eg. run each sim on a separate node on a farm.

Dont really have time to look at it rn, but I thougth sharing the idea might help with your deadline in mind.

Edited by nuki
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Thanks for the contribution, appreciate it! I tested your idea and although in theory it could work, iterating through 30-50 dopnets (which is my approximate droplet count) is super sluggish. Not really familiar with TOPs yet and I'm sure there's a more efficient way to bring this all together in a single dopnet. 
Still looking for solutions! It must be something super basic...

Once again, the task: "Newly born particles to drive Vellum softbodies, no need for collision between them, possibly in a single dopnet"

Edited by brassmonkey
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here's my basic test....trying to extrapolate that to splashes was way harder than I anticipated

(let's just say...it's out of my league at the moment)

(...unless I resort to unlocking the vellum solver again and set the starting frame to 1001)



Edited by Noobini
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34 minutes ago, anim said:

create justborn group from replicate to know which points were born at any frame

then just copy your prepared vellum sphere to only those points

and unlock Vellum Solver to set Emission Type to Continuous on vellumsource1


I did something very similar...except I copytopoints 'jb' rather than blast the 'jb' first then copy...I still had problems with it being continuous emission....which was quite a funny wormy effect...oh well, keep that for another day.

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27 minutes ago, Noobini said:

....which was quite a funny wormy effect...oh well, keep that for another day.

you probably kept self collision on (as they currently intersect when born) also struts which would bind all pieces together, that's why it's better to copy already preconfigured vellum to points rather than configure as a whole 

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4 hours ago, anim said:

create justborn group from replicate to know which points were born at any frame

then just copy your prepared vellum sphere to only those points

and unlock Vellum Solver to set Emission Type to Continuous on vellumsource1


Genius!! Thank you all so much for looking into it, I had a feeling this would be something trivial like this...

I'll post a scene when I got it looking nice:) Have a great long weekend!


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