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How to extrude walls on a grid and animate it without changing the thickness

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So I need to make something like the attached image (Quadtree).


The black strokes are the walls, extruded from a grid.


And I need the size of these walls to vary (like a turbulent noise) without changing the thickness of it or overlapping with another wall.


I tried to make a box, convert do vdb and copy to points several other box with a noise to its points and substract from the main vdb, but it either overlaps or vary the thickness of the wall.


Is there a way to scatter some points to a grid and use it as the center of the extrude or something like that? I could use a pointvop to modulate the point's noise.




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can't quite see how this is going to work, it's doable to vary the extrude amount for the floor of the rooms because they are "islands", as illustrated in the gif (simply the zscale in local control).

But the walls are all joined, how you gonna extrude different sections of the same joined wall (in red) ?


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33 minutes ago, icarolobo said:

Exactly! Thanks!


Also thanks Librarian, I'll explore your hip file!

goes to show if you don't upload your file and just rely on words to describe the problem, it leaves it open to incorrect interpretations as shown with my interpretations/gifs.

(yes, its hard if you haven't got a working file but even some rudimentary test file might have helped clarify the problem)

Edited by Noobini
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