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Handles Resizing


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Well I'm asking this because someone over at 3dbuzz mentioned the handles are too small at high resolutions.. I hadn't really noticed this, but now that he mentioned it, I do agree it would be nice to change the size of the handles, specially the non-uniform scale and translate handles.. sometimes we do have to click multiple times to select the right one...

So anyway, is this possible? We are both using the linux version at 1280x1024x24, but the windows version has the same problem.. Anything? :)

have phun everyone :)

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The viewport handles, same goes for the ones you made persistent, should addapt to the ammount you've zoomed/dollied in on your object.

If this is not what you mean, maybe you should post a screenshot of the situation.

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iam running at 1280x1024 as well.. try using spacebar+G to home in onto selections, it tends to make the jack easier to use.

there are some files you can probably edit which are located in the HFS/houdini/config/Cursors folder, the name will have *xform* in it. i havent played with these files, so play at your own risk. (better yet, just make copies of the originals, then do your edits).

try using the Q E R T Y hotkeys, these will bring up specific jacks eg deselect, size, rot, scale, xform Y....

think that aboot covers it?

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thanks to everyone who replied :) I'll try to take it from here, but if anyone else knows a definite answer to this.. please don't hold yourself back! hehe

Thanks again!

btw, I'm using both win2k and linux.. and I find it harder to pick on linux...

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He's asking becuase I'm offering 200 points in the Houdini class at 3D Buzz for a solution to this problem. Basicly, the problem is the manipulator handles, especially the non uniform scale handles and the small transform jack in the center of the scale manipulator are very hard to grab on Linux. I don't have this trouble on Windows. I was hoping there was a way to make them display thicker like like the wireframe thickness display property and maybe increase their tolerance like the snapping tools to make them easier to pick. If anyone can give a good solution, unxetas gets 200 points (which is a LOT on that forum). If unxetas can get a deffinite "No, there is nothing you can to to solve this" from a pro at D2 or somewhere, or someone from SideFX he still gets 100 points. So if anyone knows for certain that it's not possible to set the manipulator thickness and relax it's tolerance, speak up so I can give him his points :D

In the meantime I'll try homing the selection and see if it helps. Thanks guys.

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ahhh you've un-masked me! :D

really, this is one of those problems that I would have gone through without noticing, but as soon as I read your post, it became a problem to me too LOL.. so it wasn't ONLY about the points anymore!

Well have phun everyone and thanks for all the help.. maybe later I'll try messing with those cursor files B)

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Hi unxetas and Mcronin

Well, if its someone from DD or SideFX that you want, then I'm your man (I worked support up at SESI until three months ago and I'm now at DD).

And I can categorically tell you that there is no way to adjust the tolerance or thickness of the handles in Houdini 5.5. :D.

Its a good RFE and one I've tried to push through on numerous occasions. But I'll definitely try again.



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no problem unxetas. you could try playing with the files, ill see what they are exactly...just remember to have them copied in case ya break something. Marc pretty much summed it up with the big *no*.

marc - pb has lovingly taken over your ENTIRE desk space with all kinds of *stuff*...quite funny actually. its like a wall of junk mixed with a spot or 2 of cool stuff :D

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