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custom smoosh deformer

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Hey All!

I'm trying to replicate a piece of geo as if it were pressed up against a pane of glass. I was trying to solve this without any simulations can someone point me in the right direction? Here is what I started with a sample scene. here is an image of what I wanna achieve. I think I need to do it with an attribute because eventually, I need to apply this to an alembic animation of a character so I cannot depend on position.


Thanks in advance!




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Hi @jonidunno,

you can project a mesh onto a plane using the planepointdistance-function with a grid on the second input:

float in = chf('in');
float out = chf('out');
float off = chf('offset');
float soft = chf('soften');

vector p;
vector pos_pt = point(1, 'P', 0);
vector nml = prim_normal(1, 0, vector(0.0));
float d = planepointdistance(pos_pt, nml, v@P, p);
vector plane = p + normalize(nml) * off;

vector dir = normalize(pos_pt - v@P);
float angle = dot(dir, nml);
float sdist = sign(angle) * d;
float bias = smooth(-out, in, sdist);
float mask = smooth(-soft, soft, sdist);
vector pos = lerp(v@P, plane, bias);

f@mask = mask;
v@P = pos;

Later I might discuss the code a bit here: https://procegen.konstantinmagnus.de/pressing-meshes-against-a-plane



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