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Render Command


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I get that, but lets say I have :



all the hip files, textures etc sit on myBigServer and are made/edited etc over the network on workStation01...

do I have to copy all the textures for myScene.hip onto each of the renderBoxXXX machines in order to network render?

that seems crazy... :blink:

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Isn't that one of the reason to make an old server machine a fileserver as well? I recently just got a new ATA133 80GB drive and slap to my old dual P2 350MHz and turn it into a small fileserver. In the past, I used the machine as my Houdini license server. I have to admit, tho, Linux ROCKS in its ability to make a network drive integrated transparently onto a single login. :D

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do I have to copy all the textures for myScene.hip onto each of the renderBoxXXX machines in order to network render?

...er.... nope. Just make sure that the directory you're referring to is the same on all the machines. So if myBigserver is mounted as M: on the one machine, then it needs to be that way on all the machines.

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i'm running 2000 and the file location is $HIP/Textures/things.jpg.

i've tryed it in two location both servers ones local and you can see it as a h: drive and it's a hard disk on a server. and another one which is on another server.

it's starting to annoy me now as it only takes about two mins to render using this and doesn't even use my cpu :-). and takes 15 min on my machine :-(

cheers for the help i will get there in the end.

an quicky does any one how why houdini would need 400mb of ram when running when the fill is only 15mb, this doesn't make sence to me but most of houdinis bugs(DESIGN POINTS)

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  • 6 months later...

ok this is wierd now,

because when I turn on -H flag on XP to use two processors and full path on images mantra cant find the images :angry:

when I use $HIP, then it works on local render but not on renderfarm!?

so basically when I use my processor and one from the farm I get really phunky pictures :D

I call them red buckets and picture buckets :blink:

I have been through documentation up and down and nuthing,

maybe I need to set $HIP as enviroment setting on remothost as well?


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Hi, all

Check under the Services panel and look for Houdini Rsh Server. Be sure

that it logs on as your username, rather than the default, which seems

to have almost no permissions. This is necessary because the remote

shell has to go back to the server and find the texture files.

Also the texture map path needs to use the full network name.

NT supports UNC paths (Uniform Naming Convention I believe)

: ie: //machinename/sharefoldername/texmap.pic

A remote shell doesn't seem to recognise the mounting of non-local drives.

Hope this helps!

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