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See, I was confused by your question... knitting rope... I know how to crochet, but knitting.... I just didn't know. And I thought about rope, and all the ways you could model a rope in houdini, when I realized that it's all about the meaning of life, and the rope, it was a gateway to the stars, if you wish, and your rope has to be strong enough to support your weight, and the burdens you cary with you. So then I went swimming with the dolphins, and I thought to myself: if only I had some rope with me, I could build a harness, and I could ride the dolphins all the way to atlantis.

Alas, after about a mile and a half, I got a call from a coordinator, wondering why I wasn't in the meeting that I was supposed to be in, and I had to turn around.

But now, one day later, I wonder.... are you talking about modeling a rope, or are you talking about some sort of dynamic simulation?

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jens...work gettin to ya? think its time for a vacation??? :P the meaning of life is simple...drink beer, fall down... end of story!

@stremik - did you want to see the rope being created? or is the rope already created and doing something interesting?

off the top of my noodle, you could refer to the cade tutorial file called *spiral.hip*..tis a procedural way of making a spiral :o... if you want individual strands which make up the uber spiral, perhaps l-systems with circles birthed at every other point on the strand for an extrude operation... make sense?

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Does anyone remember the staircase tutorial? Well... that's probably a fairly good step in the direction of actually making the rope's geometry. And I figured the material could be stimulated via a nice bump/displacement VEX SHOP.

As far as the actual rope dynamics go... you could try the spring SOP in combination of nulls and CHOPs?

It's just a quick suggestion. It sounds pretty interesting. I will get into it and post my results, as soon as I get the time to do anything :D

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i've had a go and the way that i think could be a good way (but creates large files) is to start with a line sop.

to this i added a Point sop with:

position x = cos($PT*2)

position x = sin($PT*2)

position x = $PT/20

then added a wire sop then duplicatd and rotated this gave a really nice looking rope the only problem is the wire sop made it really big, so i guess you could create a vex shader that renders out thinkness so that you don't need the wire sop.

i guess you want the rope to have proper gravity on it this would make a great plug in could rope put to points in start and end the lenght then the network works out the rest including the animation now that would be challenge

i hope this helps bren

p.s i will go home to night and try and do some really sick thingto make the rope look good and post it tommorrow.

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