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I saw X-Men 2 over the weekend which was pretty cool. I preferred it over the original even. What do you guys think?

Anyone know here worked on the effects for X-Men 2 and can talk about it?

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saw it on Sat, and yeah, it was better than the first...

it's fun for people new to the X-Men, and great fun for people like me who are long time fans...

one thing about the FX that I noticed...or rather didn't...there wasn't anything the really stood out - which is good I think - it all just seemed to fit.

PS: does any other movie have as high a 'babe' quotient as X-Men?...I think not :D

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Hey Ed! :D I didnt work on this flick, but the people around me were. specifically the parting water/dam scene, tornados, and debris from the aircraft taking off ....gobs of houdini, martian labs hydrous tools, and jig.

ill let some of the fellers know about this thread, perhaps they can shed some light on the technical aspects. :)

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just had the opportunity to go see it at the bridge on saturday. it was great entertainment for what it was designed to be. i do agree with you arctor in that the effects made it visually schweet but didn't take attention away from the story. great balance there. definitely good enough to deserve another theatre viewing!

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