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generalist showreel and tools


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thank you all for feedback

just to avoid misunderstanding, for generalist showreel I did only things described in subtitles below the video for particular shots

so for freezing of the palace and the lamp shot I have done only camera tracking as described so I cannot comment on how it was done, but I can ask (surely no Houdini was used for that) but it was probably partially compositing thing

content adaptive volume fluid container is relatively simple for how useful it is

it's just density and vel inported into SOPs (internal SOP network in DOP asset)

scattered many points in density (based on volume/area rather than constant number) user defined

copy of that points is offseted by vel volume to predict evolution of density on next timestep

those points are merged and also merged with geometry which is used for source

then bbox is created around that

this bbox dimensions are used in GasResizeField DOP to change dimensions of fluid box

you can also use voxel padding to add some extra empty voxels to be sure that no data is clipped, but velocity prediction works really well so padding can be low

I can post that tool, but it's not commented at this time so maybe later, but you should be able to create it from my description


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thanks a lot for your explanation, I'll study it when I'll do some Pyro effect next month: at first sight, it seems clear and logic to me and the final effect works perfectly, because there's no sensation of an invisible roof over the flame/smoke like I see in other simulations.

Again congratulations for your nice and professional portfolios!

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