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Found 8 results

  1. As it says in the DOC, we can write an expression inside the stop condition field to stop the loop. OK, I used a npoints expression and I referred to the end-block node because it's the only node that accumulates the points and prims I think, but I get an infinite recursion error, Please help me. BEST REGARDS.
  2. Hello dear fellas, I'm currently studying Anastasia Opara's Procedural Lake Houses (wonderful, but a little bit outdated since it still makes use of for loop subnets) and I'm reporting a "weird behaviour" when using for-loops along with the iteration detail attribute that comes from metadata.. While trying to "update" Anastasia's workflow to houdini 18, I wanted to use the iteration number coming from metadata to blast everything but the correspondent "piece" number, which unexpectedly keeps piece 0 at every iteration and not piece=iteration. I'm using a second block begin fetching in some primitives (I've already tried fetching pieces but it gives an error since block end isn't set to "pieces" but "feedback"). I'm sure it will make more sense from images and my hip file, I've already tried the documentation and a lot of other topics here on odforce but I couldn't figure out what i'm missing. Is there anyone who could find what I'm missing? It would be of great help! Thank you in advance Cheers Frank for_loop_issue.hip
  3. as you can see the code below: i[]@values = findattribval(0,"point","random_number",3); for(int i = 0 ; i < len(@values) ; i++) { if(@ptnum == @values[i]) { @pscale = ch('specific_pscale'); } else { if(@ptnum != @values[i]) @pscale = ch('rest'); } } the second if inside the else doesn't work properly. Specific_pscale.hip
  4. I have a compile block for a nested foreachblock and it shows up at the compile end an error, that the "point set is trivial". Anyway, seems to work. What is this?
  5. i'm trying to connect each point with the next one and then the centroid what am i doing wrong? seems simple enough (maybe there is a node for that) ideally i want to make also edge loops after like concetric circles connect_to_center.hip
  6. I have a large number of wedges, but I used the wedge to simulate different section of one large simulation. Now I need to read them all in and merge them into a single geo. I have 82 wedges, is there a way to bring them in without having to use 82 filecache nodes? I tried to run a loop and collect all the files, I used the iteration detail attribute in place of the wedge to cont the numebr of times the filecache should loop, it doesn't work. i might be missing something, please enlighten me.
  7. Hello guys, I know how for loop works in c++ but i am not able to write in vex .Can anyone explain me how to write for loop with simple point and color example . Thank you
  8. Hi there! I just learned to build multifractals using a forloop vop in H14. (see images attached) This was quite easy by putting a noise node inside the forl-vop and adjusting the iterations. Just wondering how to replicate this using the new forloop in H15? Best
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