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Found 5 results

  1. I'm trying to set up a structure that allows me to import 2D images, PNG/Jpegs into Houdini. Side FX has documentation for this: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini11.0/io/ai Researching this i came across a couple of tutorials, saying that if you want use images you should go for .eps files This is the tutorial i tried to follow, since it covers the Adobe softwares: I'm not sure what's going wrong, whenever i upload my images there doesn't seem to be an error, but I just can't find my imported asset. Any ideas? Cheers, Callan de Keijzer Desktop.zip
  2. Hey, I initially struggled a lot getting EXR files from Houdini into Photoshop correctly (CS 6, Win here), neither the native importer nor the one from Otoy/Octane did work well. Then the developer of a new one posted on the Lightwave forum and "Exr-IO" is working great, has some nifty features and it's free: http://www.exr-io.com/features/ I had different problems with AfterEffects CS 5.5, which would not handle Houdini EXR correctly either (wrong image size), but later found out that proEXR is now free: http://www.fnordware.com/ProEXR/ So both of those applications are back to working perfectly with EXR for me :-) I hope this is useful for more people here... :-) Cheers, Tom
  3. I want to split (not in terms of time but area) a high resolution image sequence that I have in Cops into an an array of smaller images. I want to print each frame it as an 3x4 array of A4 pages (210mm*297mm). Animating the Offset of the Crop node but I don't know how to save each cropped area into a different file. Or in the case of of a video wall, how can I split my sequence so that I have smaller ones? (one for each screen) I guess I could do that in Photoshop using the Slice tool and doing "Divide slice" for each frame but is repetitive. Is there a way to that in Cops so that I can avoid Photoshop? Any ideas? edit: A silly idea just occurred to me. I could set up 12 different ROP outputs ! I know it's not the brightest idea.. Is there an alternative using a single ROP?
  4. Hiya, I, Taher and am a freelancer from India seeking job as a houdini vfx artist/ vfx artist and editior. I am open to freelance jobs too from India and overseas.
  5. Hello, ​My name is Zac and I am a 3D Artist (Maya) and graphic designer looking for full time work in the US. My portfolio and demo reels can be viewed at www.zac3d.com Within my resume you will see I have been doing professional 3D work since 2009 and have more than eight years as a professional graphic designer. In addition to this, I also have been a freelance designer since 2003 creating projects ranging from corporate branding to digital video editing to web design to digital portraits as well as 3D models and exploded views and animations. Throughout my years of experience, training and education I have learned the value of hard work, creativity and being part of a team striving towards a common goal. Additionally, I am a fast, versatile worker that isn't afraid to learn new skills. In a recommendation from Chris Lord, a former owner of Design Mill, said, "Zac is a leader, when he is challenged he steps up and does whatever it takes to accomplish a task and do so with great value and professionalism." I am my harshest critic and always strive to put out the best possible product within the time available. While I know a wide variety of software, I am always seeking new ways to improve my skills by learning new software and techniques. You can view my 3D demo reel and graphic design portfolio at www.zac3d.com and I have also provided a link to my LinkedIn profile below. linkedin.com/in/zacswanson Swanson_Zac_Resume.pdf
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