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Houdini 13 Released!


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It's a bit of ironic that new particles in Houdini end up where Maya's world: a series of expressions (and at the same time Maya is finding its way to procedural world).

I suppose the changes in VEX architecture is a big unspoken hero in H13... I wonder if VEX snippets after compilation to native byte code are concatenated to a single commands stream or every VEXexpression operator in Dops holds overhead of initialization and data in/out...

.... could you explain in which sense the DOPpop thing is a step away from proceduralism ?

does your report about the changes in VEX (which i don't fully understand:) answer that question?



Edited by hatrick
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I am seriously digging this release. I've been dropping some low-res alembic octopi down some very long staircases. I think it's gonna be time soon for Squab and Octo to kiss at several kilometers and hour. I'm pretty amazed at how quick and robust the finite element solver is, especially with solids with fewer than 10,000 tets. I've been having a lot of luck creating low-res, FEM-friendly tetmeshes by just bashing together geo, sending everything to vdb and back (iso >= 0, adaptivity = 0) and doing adaptive remeshing with a very low density. Otherwise, sometimes when I use the shelf tools for more complex geometry, I get pretty concave-looking, almost shrinkwrapped geo out of the tetrahedralize sop.

Anybody know where the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit precision modes really start to take effect? I know that 64-bit operations are very unfriendly, threading-wise - so I imagine there's a point where 64-bit mode becomes orders of magnitude slower than 32-bit. Just curious.

That Pop Curve Force tool is pretty bangin' as well - without having looked too closely, it seems functionally similar to Alessandro's tool, except pointcloud-based and without noise or the same kind of control for extrapolation (or sweet visualizations). But, hey, we can use 'em both, why not.

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Great release. Speedier, smoother all around here. Draw curve is great. Particles supercharged. FEM next...

Rendering some Pyrro and FEM with HQueue on EC2 now. Process is much much smoother now, pricing seems to be somewhat better...more of a get what you hoped for experience with cloud rendering so far.

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Is that using Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm? I don't have 13 to test :)

By default its Heuristics are set to A* but you can change that to act like Dijkstra's Algorithm by typing 0 (*zero) in the heuristics field.

Its also got functionality for custom point, edge and turning cost, directional connections (based on vertex order), forced connections and connections to avoid.

It can output one path, several paths from a start to multiple ends, or a path from each start to each end respectively.

By specifying a second input, and setting the start and end point number to 0 and 1 (instead of a group name) the pathfinder will use the closest point on input 1 (the grid) to these respective point numbers from input 2 (for example a curve). This allows for a fast, interactive workflow.

Finally it can export the distances across the grid based on this setting and export distances from all points to the closest start point, or export distances through a large array attribute for each point to each other point.

Finally, the entire algorithm uses a pre-computed look up table method, making it extremely fast, easily able to deal with a large amount of data quickly.

Look up the examples in the help files from some in depth examples.

Edited by hyperforce
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Version 198 is still pretty buggy, but its a version that's (judging by the version number) already a few weeks old.

So i'm expecting the next daily build to have fixed several bugs.

Any bugs you encounter, make sure you submit them to the bug tracker on sidefx.com

The more bugs can be identified quickly, the faster they can be fixed.

Edited by hyperforce
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Neil, I'm testing deep exrs to Nuke too but keep screwing something up. Partly inexperience with deep but I think it's something trivial like not checking a box somewhere. Any chance you have a simple file I could use as a reference?

Thanks, Kevin

&- you may want to update your signature line now :)

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Yes it took me a bit to figure it out, and im certainly no expert on deeep data stuff - heres my basic hip file you can render from. I Can't seem to upload the nuke file... odforce wont let me - so heres a text script for the Nuke layout below....

I'm Comping pyro over a ball and then playing with relative Z positions in Nuke.

Im running 13 in apprentice at the mo - need more money for the AUP!!:(


set cut_paste_input [stack 0]

version 7.0 v8

BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode1

tile_color 0x7f000001

label "<center><img src=\"Camera.png\"> PC"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos 820

ypos -990

bdwidth 120

bdheight 348


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode2

tile_color 0x7f2f0001

label "<center><img src=\"Shader.png\"> RGB Channels"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos -842

ypos -1643

bdwidth 584

bdheight 693


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode4

tile_color 0x7f000001

label "<center><img src=\"Camera.png\"> 3DCard"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos -604

ypos -464

bdwidth 768

bdheight 543


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode5

tile_color 0x191901

label "<center><img src=\"Radial.png\"> DeepCrop"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos 800

ypos -91

bdwidth 160

bdheight 181


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode3

tile_color 0x7f2f0001

label "<center><img src=\"Shader.png\"> DeepData"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos 7

ypos -1065

bdwidth 646

bdheight 450


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode7

tile_color 0x60353501

label "<center><img src=\"MarkerRemoval.png\"> DeepTools"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos -1100

ypos -416

bdwidth 220

bdheight 832


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode6

tile_color 0x3c547f01

label "<center><img src=\"ColorLookup.png\"> LUT"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos 359

ypos 396

bdwidth 163

bdheight 264


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode8

tile_color 0x513b5301

label "<center><img src=\"2D.png\"> PushBack"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos 321

ypos -404

bdwidth 239

bdheight 232


BackdropNode {

inputs 0

name BackdropNode9

tile_color 0x37613701

label "<center><img src=\"Roto.png\"> DeepHoldout"

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos 1537

ypos -1225

bdwidth 426

bdheight 732


push $cut_paste_input

Camera2 {

uniform_scale 100

haperture 11

vaperture 15

name Camera2

selected true

xpos -580

ypos -270


set N7426fc0 [stack 0]

Constant {

inputs 0

channels rgb

color {0 0.2500038147 1 1}

format "1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD"

name Constant5

selected true

xpos -370

ypos -369


set N7439fb0 [stack 0]

Card2 {

translate {0 0 {parent.Card3D2.translate.z}}

uniform_scale {{parent.Card3D2.uniform_scale}}

control_points {3 3 3 6

1 {-0.5 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0}

1 {0 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0.5 0 0}

1 {0.5 -0.5 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {1 0 0}

1 {-0.5 0 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 0.5 0}

1 {0 0 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {0.5 0.5 0}

1 {0.5 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {1 0.5 0}

1 {-0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 1 0}

1 {0 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0.5 1 0}

1 {0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {1 1 0} }

name Card1

selected true

xpos -150

ypos -250


Constant {

inputs 0

channels rgb

name Constant1

selected true

xpos 70

ypos -273


ScanlineRender {

inputs 3

motion_vectors_type distance

name ScanlineRender1

selected true

xpos -150

ypos -154


DeepFromImage {

name DeepFromImage1

selected true

xpos -150

ypos -82


push $N7426fc0

push $N7439fb0

Card3D {

inputs 2

translate {0 0 -5000}

uniform_scale 1000

name Card3D2

selected true

xpos -370

ypos -250


DeepFromImage {

name DeepFromImage2

selected true

xpos -370

ypos -82


Switch {

inputs 2

which 1

name Switch1

selected true

xpos -260

ypos 14


Read {

inputs 0

file /mnt/DATA/Houdini/fireBeauty.exr

format "640 480 0 0 640 480 1 PC_Video"

origset true

version 2

name Read1

selected true

xpos -590

ypos -1551


Reformat {

name Reformat1

selected true

xpos -590

ypos -1450


Dot {

name Dot2

selected true

xpos -556

ypos -1326


set N8556b00 [stack 0]

Dot {

name Dot3

selected true

xpos -336

ypos -1326


set N855abe0 [stack 0]

push $N855abe0

add_layer {scatter_color scatter_color.red scatter_color.green scatter_color.blue}

Copy {

inputs 2

from0 scatter_color.red

to0 rgba.red

from1 scatter_color.green

to1 rgba.green

from2 scatter_color.blue

to2 rgba.blue

from3 rgba.alpha

to3 rgba.alpha

name Scatter

selected true

xpos -370

ypos -1234


Roto {

output alpha

curves {{{v x3f99999a}

{f 0}


{layer Root

{f 512}

{t x43a00000 x43700000}


{curvegroup Bezier1 576 bezier


{f 8192}

{px x40a00000

{x41700000 1}

{x43d50000 x42d80000}

{xc1700000 xbf800000}

{x40000000 x41000000}

{x43b20000 x42480000}

{xc0000000 xc1000000}

{xbf800000 1}

{x43b68000 xc0400000}

{1 xbf800000}

{xbf800000 xc0400000}

{x44248000 xc1200000}

{1 x40400000}

{x40000000 xbf800000}

{x44288000 x42f60000}

{xc0000000 1}}} idem}

{tx x40a00000 x43f7e666 x42566666}

{a r 0 g 0 b 0 a 0 str 1 sb 1 ltn x40a00000 ltm x40a00000 tt x40800000}}}}}}

toolbox {selectAll {

{ selectAll str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 }

{ createBezier ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 tt 4 }

{ createBezierCusped str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createBSpline str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createEllipse str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createRectangle str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createRectangleCusped str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ brush str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ eraser src 2 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ clone src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ reveal src 3 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ dodge src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ burn src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ blur src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ sharpen src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ smear src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

} }

toolbar_brush_hardness 0.200000003

toolbar_source_transform_scale {1 1}

toolbar_source_transform_center {320 240}

color 0

colorOverlay {0 0 0 0}

lifetime_type "all frames"

lifetime_start 5

lifetime_end 5

motionblur_shutter_offset_type centred

source_black_outside true

createNewTrack {{-1} "-1\t(none)\t-1" "1000\tNew Track Layer\t1000"}

name Roto1

selected true

xpos -370

ypos -1024


push $N8556b00

Dot {

name Dot4

selected true

xpos -776

ypos -1326


set N85dbdf0 [stack 0]

push $N85dbdf0

add_layer {fire_color fire_color.r fire_color.red fire_color.g fire_color.green fire_color.b fire_color.blue}

add_layer {other other.BA other.GA other.Op_Id other.Prim_Id other.RA other.fire_mask other.smoke_mask}

Copy {

inputs 2

from0 fire_color.red

to0 rgba.red

from1 fire_color.green

to1 rgba.green

from2 fire_color.blue

to2 rgba.blue

from3 other.fire_mask

to3 rgba.alpha

name Fire

selected true

xpos -810

ypos -1234


Grade {

white 1.8

multiply {1 0.5234768391 0.424071312 1}

name Grade1

selected true

xpos -810

ypos -1162


Blur {

size 3

name Blur1

selected true

xpos -810

ypos -1144


Dot {

name Dot5

selected true

xpos -776

ypos -1086


push $N8556b00

push $N8556b00

add_layer {smoke_color smoke_color.r smoke_color.red smoke_color.g smoke_color.green smoke_color.b smoke_color.blue}

Copy {

inputs 2

from0 smoke_color.red

to0 rgba.red

from1 smoke_color.green

to1 rgba.green

from2 smoke_color.blue

to2 rgba.blue

from3 other.smoke_mask

to3 rgba.alpha

name Smoke

selected true

xpos -590

ypos -1234


Merge2 {

inputs 2

Achannels {rgba.red rgba.green rgba.blue -rgba.alpha}

Bchannels {rgba.red rgba.green rgba.blue -rgba.alpha}

output {rgba.red rgba.green rgba.blue -rgba.alpha}

name Merge1

selected true

xpos -590

ypos -1090


ShuffleCopy {

inputs 2

name ShuffleCopy1

selected true

xpos -590

ypos -1018


Dot {

name Dot6

selected true

xpos -556

ypos -774


DeepRead {

inputs 0

file /mnt/DATA/Houdini/fire.exr

format "640 480 0 0 640 480 1 PC_Video"

origset true

version 2

name DeepRead1

selected true

xpos 70

ypos -976


DeepReformat {

name DeepReformat1

selected true

xpos 70

ypos -922


DeepRecolor {

inputs 2

channels rgba

targetInputAlpha true

name DeepRecolor1

selected true

xpos 70

ypos -778


DeepColorCorrect2 {

gain {0.6600000262 0.9276077747 1 1}

highlights.gamma {2.324226379 2.200000048 0.1333625764 1}

lookup {shadow {}

midtone {}

highlight {curve x0.01384031773 0 s0 x0.5138403177 1 s0}}

name DeepColorCorrect1

selected true

xpos 70

ypos -706


DeepRead {

inputs 0

file /mnt/DATA/Houdini/ball.exr

format "640 480 0 0 640 480 1 PC_Video"

origset true

name DeepRead2

selected true

xpos 400

ypos -976


DeepReformat {

name DeepReformat2

selected true

xpos 400

ypos -922


DeepColorCorrect2 {

gamma 0.58

gain {0.3018678427 0.4159609079 1 1}

name DeepColorCorrect2

selected true

xpos 400

ypos -802


DeepMerge {

inputs 2

name DeepMerge1

selected true

xpos 400

ypos -706


set N8688b00 [stack 0]

DeepTransform {

translate {0 0 24.1}

name DeepTransform1

tile_color 0xff0000ff

note_font_size 30

selected true

xpos 400

ypos -308

disable true


DeepMerge {

inputs 2

name DeepMerge2

selected true

xpos 400

ypos 14


set N8697740 [stack 0]

DeepCrop {

znear 22.2

zfar 27

bbox {409.6000061 311.2000122 1972 1466}

use_bbox false

name DeepCrop1

selected true

xpos 840

ypos 14


DeepColorCorrect2 {

inputs 0

name DeepColorCorrect3

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos -322


DeepCrop {

bbox {409.6000061 311.2000122 1638.400024 1244.800049}

name DeepCrop2

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos -274


DeepExpression {

inputs 0

chans1 deep

name DeepExpression1

selected true

xpos -1030

ypos -250


DeepFromImage {

inputs 0

name DeepFromImage3

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos -178


DeepHoldout2 {

inputs 0

name DeepHoldout1

selected true

xpos -1030

ypos -106


DeepMerge {

inputs 0

name DeepMerge3

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos -82


DeepRecolor {

inputs 0

name DeepRecolor2

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos 14


DeepReformat {

inputs 0

name DeepReformat3

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos 86


DeepSample {

inputs 0

name DeepSample1

selected true

xpos -1030

ypos 134


DeepToImage {

inputs 0

name DeepToImage2

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos 182


DeepToPoints {

inputs 0

name DeepToPoints1

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos 254


DeepTransform {

inputs 0

name DeepTransform2

selected true

xpos -1140

ypos 302


DeepWrite {

inputs 0

name DeepWrite1

selected true

xpos -1030

ypos 350


Camera2 {

inputs 0

uniform_scale 100

haperture 11

vaperture 15

name Camera1

selected true

xpos 850

ypos -894


set N870f1f0 [stack 0]

push $N870f1f0

push $N8688b00

DeepToPoints {

inputs 2

pointSize 1

name DeepToPoints2

selected true

xpos 840

ypos -706


Constant {

inputs 0

color 1

name Constant8

selected true

xpos 1610

ypos -1113


Card2 {

image_aspect false

translate {0 0 -2700}

uniform_scale 1000

control_points {3 3 3 6

1 {-0.5 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0}

1 {0 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0.5 0 0}

1 {0.5 -0.5 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {1 0 0}

1 {-0.5 0 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 0.5 0}

1 {0 0 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {0.5 0.5 0}

1 {0.5 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {1 0.5 0}

1 {-0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 1 0}

1 {0 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0.5 1 0}

1 {0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {1 1 0} }

name Card2

selected true

xpos 1610

ypos -946


set N873cbf0 [stack 0]

Scene {

inputs 3

name Scene1

selected true

xpos 1180

ypos -726


DeepToImage {

inputs 0

name DeepToImage1

selected true

xpos 290

ypos 254


Constant {

inputs 0

color 1

name Constant2

selected true

xpos 1830

ypos -753


Roto {

output alpha

curves {{{v x3f99999a}

{f 0}


{layer Root

{f 512}

{t x44800000 x44428000}


{curvegroup Bezier1 576 bezier


{f 8192}

{px x40a00000

{x41e00000 x42100000}

{x44930000 x44a74000}

{xc1e00000 xc2100000}

{xc1400000 x42c80000}

{x443e0000 x44250000}

{x41400000 xc2c80000}

{xc2c00000 x42800000}

{x447a8000 x429c0000}

{x42c00000 xc2800000}

{xc2f00000 xc2680000}

{x44c24000 x43240000}

{x42f00000 x42680000}

{x40c00000 xc2fc0000}

{x44e64000 x44288000}

{xc0c00000 x42fc0000}

{x41800000 xc29c0000}

{x44de0000 x448dc000}

{xc1800000 x429c0000}

{x41d00000 xc1b00000}

{x44b98000 x44a74000}

{xc1d00000 x41b00000}}} idem}

{tx x40a00000 x44ab5249 x44405b6e}

{a r 0 g 0 b 0 a 0 str 1 spx x44800000 spy x44428000 sb 1 ltn x40a00000 ltm x40a00000 tt x40800000}}}}}}

toolbox {selectAll {

{ selectAll str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 }

{ createBezier ro 0 go 0 bo 0 ao 0 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 tt 4 }

{ createBezierCusped str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createBSpline str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createEllipse str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createRectangle str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ createRectangleCusped str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ brush str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ eraser src 2 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ clone src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ reveal src 3 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ dodge src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ burn src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ blur src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ sharpen src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

{ smear src 1 str 1 ssx 1 ssy 1 sf 1 sb 1 }

} }

toolbar_brush_hardness 0.200000003

toolbar_source_transform_scale {1 1}

toolbar_source_transform_center {1024 778}

color 0

colorOverlay {0 0 0 0}

lifetime_type "all frames"

lifetime_start 5

lifetime_end 5

motionblur_shutter_offset_type centred

source_black_outside true

createNewTrack {{-1} "-1\t(none)\t-1" "1000\tNew Track Layer\t1000"}

name Roto2

selected true

xpos 1830

ypos -688


push $N870f1f0

push $N873cbf0

Constant {

inputs 0

channels rgb

name Constant3

selected true

xpos 1830

ypos -969


ScanlineRender {

inputs 3

motion_vectors_type distance

name ScanlineRender2

selected true

xpos 1610

ypos -874


ShuffleCopy {

inputs 2

name ShuffleCopy2

selected true

xpos 1610

ypos -682


DeepFromImage {

name DeepFromImage4

selected true

xpos 1610

ypos -562


Dot {

name Dot1

selected true

xpos 1644

ypos 258


push $N8697740

DeepHoldout2 {

inputs 2

name DeepHoldout2

selected true

xpos 400

ypos 254


Remove {

operation keep

channels rgba

name Remove1

selected true

xpos 400

ypos 494


Grade {

multiply {1.210820675 1.327589869 0.8215897083 1}

gamma {0.9047434926 0.8599235415 0.9549999833 0.8199999928}

name Grade2

selected true

xpos 400

ypos 518


Glow2 {

tint {0.9599999785 0.893792212 0.1708410084 0.9599999785}

tolerance 0.032

brightness 1.24

saturation 0.56

name Glow1

selected true

xpos 400

ypos 542


Truelight3 {

commands {title{Agfa CP30}


display{/home/neil/Documents/Truelight/Display_Profiles/UltraEizoCG245W sRGB}





profile /opt/Nuke7.0v8/plugins/truelight3/profiles/AgfaCP30

enable_display true

display_file "/home/neil/Documents/Truelight/Display_Profiles/UltraEizoCG245W sRGB"

print internal-AgfaCP30

lamp internal-Xenon

printer_points {0 0 0}

brightness 1

flare_correction 0.009999999776

white_u 0.1977999955

white_v 0.4683000147

name AgfaCP30_sRGB

label "Truelight v3.0"

selected true

xpos 400

ypos 560


Viewer {

input_process false

name Viewer1

selected true

xpos 400

ypos 950



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At now, linux version crash when you press "Tab" in any tiling window manager. I tried wmfs,i3,dwm. In fluxbox work fine :huh: . Version

Can't say we test much with tiling WMs, since they wreak havoc with dialog boxes and sometimes with internally positioned child windows (the scene viewer, for example). I'll test one of the ones you mentioned to see if it's an easy fix.

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