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meshing fractals


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polyline --> add noise, cpoied it multiple times with offset in pivots and rotation.  copy the result multiple times, with random offset in transation, from result creatre a mesh with wireframe node, create primitive ot of it, copy  the primitve multiple times with some random offset, repeat, repeat repeat.....

the rendering was done in keyshot. fastest cpu tracer s far....


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file size ? depends.... couple of megabytes...
thats all render instances --> they don't take any diskspace or memory. thats why i start with a simple meshed shape and copy / translate it hundered/tousend times across a 3d space. the renderer generate the polygons on the fly. (this are 10 billions rendered polygon and actually polygon in viewport) 

sometimes, i mesh out complex model with serval millions polygon's and scatter instances around the scene. in this case the instance geometry take couple GBytes of diskspace.

i doing the reversed way, start simple and going extreme with instances. if you use the mandlebulb method, you get hundred billions of polygons and you have to extract /simplifyy data to be able handle it on normal computers.  that why software like mandlebulber does not generate 3d data, they calculate pixels which looks like a 3d render. with math tricks it calculates normal and zbuffer, but no polygon's or camera data etc... in the mandlbulb movies the camera zooms endless, from km units to meter units to nano-meter units and so on.... impossible to handle this scale in opengl 3d package.  I am planning to simulate zooms with scaling instance geo, based on keyframe and camera movements.


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i did test in mantra, keyshot and modo. they all can handle to render billions polygon'e as instances. mantra take a long time in pre-render-processing but it handles it well they downside it mantra itself. rendering physical based takes a long time. Modo alos takes long pre-render-passes before it renders, but modo uses point clouds (like vray) with renders fastest, but less physical (which is still good).keyshot handles it best, fastest realtime preview and physical correct but rendertime are slower then modo/vray, but still much much faster then mantra. i need get to get a new machine with a decent graphics card and try redshift or octane.

i am testing to render 3d fractals as points and splines directly in mantra. much faster rendering and less pre-render-processing but also different look and no physical renderings or GI stuff etc...


mantra spline rendering:


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i love mantra due to its flexibiliy, tight integration and quality, i m shure sesi will vastly improve the performance, and the ram management in the upcoming releases. nervertheless i m currently testing redshift and it looks very promising, crazy fast... maybe a nice companion for mantra. dev s told us they get about 20-30 mio triangles in 1gig of vram, 200-300mio unique polys on a 12gig card  ... would be nice to see some of your work on the gpu, further unbiased vs bised, octane vs redshift.


Edited by hatrick
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