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Renderman/Houdini tutorials

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Hey all. I started something that hopefully new Houdini and Renderman users might find useful. As I learn to use Renderman, I'm writing up notes, sort of in tutorial form, and putting them out on the net. The pro users here won't find them useful, but should you guys read the page, feel free to email me with any criticism, errors, or omissions. I really want to be profiecient with Renderman and Houdini, and there doesn't seem to be any real online resources on the subject of using Houdini in conjunction with Renderman, so I don't want to be giving out bad or incorrect info and tips.


As time moves on I will be constantly adding to this page, and eventually get it on a decent host and properly organized. Thanks for your time.

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nice page. it's interesting to see someone using slim with houdini.

but you mention:

I'm sure there must be a simple way to force Houdini to reload SHOPsurface.ri while Houdini is running, but I haven't figured it out

have you tried dsreload in the textport?

i think it might help.


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I'm really glad you wrote that tutorial actually. It helped me understand quite a few things. As far as using Slim, I've made a bunch of shaders and so far I've been able to expose and use every parameter I've wanted to in Houdini without any problems. I've even flattened layered shaders that had a few levels to them and had no problem getting at and tuning their parameters in Houdini. Can you remeber any shaders specificly that gave you trouble? I'd like to see if I can figure it out.

Also, I tried dsreload, and it didn't work it seems. According to -help dsreload, it sounds like what I was looking for, but no dice. I'm sure there's something, I'll get it right eventually.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to all the American's, I'm off to eat.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hmmmmmm. I have been messing around with Renderman on and off for the past couple of days and noticed something quarky with "IT". When I go into ROPs and select "Image Device" and use "it presistent display" the it display window will not open nor will the catalog window. I am using w2k houdini 5.5.230 with rat v5.5 prman 11.0.1. I get a red flag error message when I try to render using prman, but the weird thing is; if I open "It" from the programs menu and then render out using "It" everything is fine and dandy. Does this have something to do with an evironment variable or I am totally off? I read Alex's FAQ but that was very cryptic for me :-/ I am trying though.



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  • 1 month later...
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  • 4 months later...
Thank you, Mcronin. I didn't really think that much people would be interested in the tutorial that I wrote at all. I am very happy to see that it helped out some people.

I think everyone who has setup rman with houdini has a copy of your pdf in their docs folder. I'ts the tome.

And McCronin, nice work. Thank you.

I must add one note McCronin.

You site an older, more difficult method of creating the gui for the shader with rmands -p. Now, with otl's all you need to do is use:

rmands - l shadername.otl shadername.slo

Now you've got an otl to install using File>Install New Optype.

You can even use *.slo and compile all your shaders into one library file.

You must still place the compiled shader into your shader path, but everything else is done for you. You no longer need to edit SHOPsurface.ri or make subfolders and hope that it works.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 6 months later...
Hey all. I started something that hopefully new Houdini and Renderman users might find useful. As I learn to use Renderman, I'm writing up notes, sort of in tutorial form, and putting them out on the net. The pro users here won't find them useful, but should you guys read the page, feel free to email me with any criticism, errors, or omissions. I really want to be profiecient with Renderman and Houdini, and there doesn't seem to be any real online resources on the subject of using Houdini in conjunction with Renderman, so I don't want to be giving out bad or incorrect info and tips.


As time moves on I will be constantly adding to this page, and eventually get it on a decent host and properly organized. Thanks for your time.


PLEASE! Update this link. I need this info asap. Thank you.

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