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Challenge: Houdini Vs Maya


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Hi fellows.

I present


Check it out: http://www.rafal.stnet.pl/aquarium.mov

(codec: Sorenson3, File Size: 10mb, animation time: 3 minutes)

I made it few months ago in Maya.


1. There are two HUD buttons. First emits fish and second emits food for fish.

2. Fish loose it scale/mass during time and when it hit to some point then fish die and changes into angel fish.

3. Fish must eat, and when it eats it grows and when it grows it feel feed so it doesn't swim to the next food untill it's hungry again. So food is eaten only by hungry fish.

4. Fish of course try avoids each other and aquarium walls.

It looks a little bit slow in movie but it's because of my slow hardware B)

Good Luck

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  edward said:
Am I allowed to submit SpiralMonket's work?


Hey edward, The Fish must meet requirements as I wrote in description. The main concept is: you bring the food, you bring new fish using buttons. Fish eat --> grow or die. If they meet requirements we are waitin for .hip file and show us how you made it.

Ok, so edward is in, who's next?

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Personally I don't like the way the whole challenge is put. Due to it's odforce forum - I strongly doubt there will be any flame war, nevertheless let me suggest that this challenge doesn't really have anything to do with specifically Maya or Houdini or even effects- any package with sufficiently advanced scripting capabilities and ways to build up UI elements can accomplish that, if the user is granted necessary time. The real challenge would be to have some task accomplished using this or that technique (described or hinted at) and then require others to accomplish the same, using less steps/more efficient technique.

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  MADjestic said:
Personally I don't like the way the whole challenge is put. Due to it's odforce forum - I strongly doubt there will be any flame war, nevertheless let me suggest that this challenge doesn't really have anything to do with specifically Maya or Houdini or even effects- any package with sufficiently advanced scripting capabilities and ways to build up UI elements can accomplish that, if the user is granted necessary time. The real challenge would be to have some task accomplished using this or that technique (described or hinted at) and then require others to accomplish the same, using less steps/more efficient technique.

hey Madjestic, I didn't want to sound like any app is better or not. The main focus is this type of EFFECT, so sit down, relax and try to show us something...

and if you really, really don't like the subject, we can change it to something like: FISHES or TAMAGOTCHI CHALLENGE



People, I made this stuff in Maya, that's why I wrote this subject: Houdini vs Maya. But what I wanted is to see how You'll do this type of effect in Houdini.

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I treated the subject a little bit jokingly :D


1)Fish with green head start thinking about food.

2)Full stomatch has bad influence on theirr quickness and max speed.

3)When a fish hass full stomatch it thinks only about playing.

4)If there is no more food and a fish is hungry it know it will

die so stops playing and goes to a cementary to wait fod death

5)Green box in an avi file is a cementary :)



In Hip file go to obj/geo1/popnet1/

Enjoy!! B)

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