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Any idea how to export particles to 3ds max?

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Hi guys,

I need to export particles from my Houdini scene to 3ds max.
I tried Alembic and FBX without any success.
I found a tutorial (video link below), but the plugin is not released for Houdini 20.
It would be great if I be able to export it as a PRT file extension.


Thanks for helping.




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How could Alembic fail? 3DSMax can't import an Alembic? Even Blender does that. I recently exported Houdini particles for a drone show to Alembic, then converted them to a point cloud .pc2 inside Blender.

Can Max read a .pc2? You may have to round trip it.

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I don't use any Autodesk products. Blender can read the .abc, however, it does not inherit any attributes. When I examine the unpacked attributes inside Houdini, I see the @id is 64bit int. Perhaps that is causing a problem for 3DSMax? You could try to remap the id to a standard int using a wrangle and re-export? This, of course, will limit your particle count to the 32 bit int range, which should not be a problem if your particle count remains low.


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Posted (edited)


1)  I downloaded a plugin (which unfortunately is released for Houdini 16-19.5) from this link:   https://disk.yandex.ru/d/OTE0qsAldNMRSg

2) I imported the particles using "Phoenix" -> "PRT reader", in 3ds max:  https://docs.chaos.com/display/PHX4MAX/PRT+Reader

This way, you can send your attributes, and this plug-in will rename them to a proper names, for example: P-> Position, Cd-> Color, v-> Velocity ...

I a requested to the Sidefx (as RFE) to add an option for exporting the .prt files, too.

Edited by Masoud
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