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Mixing several materials issue...

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Hello guys,

Please take a look at the image below. To mix several materials, when I connect the output of the first "Mtlx Mix" node to the input of the second one, it doesn't work properly.

How can I fix it?

Or, Is this a right way to mixing materials by the attributes?


Thanks for helping.

Karma Mix materials.jpg

Karma Mix materials.hip

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I don't think there is any claim that Karma XPU can mix "materials" yet. CPU can, so render using the slower method. What XPU does support is the mixing of colors. Try pre-mixing your colors and driving a single material if you're using XPU.

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On 9/25/2024 at 5:23 PM, Atom said:

I don't think there is any claim that Karma XPU can mix "materials" yet. CPU can, so render using the slower method. What XPU does support is the mixing of colors. Try pre-mixing your colors and driving a single material if you're using XPU.

No, XPU can show mix materials, but just two of them.

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Ah, I see what you mean, but you can pre-mix colors into a single material, then mix those two materials together. This will allow three-color or three-texture blending, but not a complex material like glass, stone, and rubber all in one.


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