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l-system question


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If you middle click on the lsystem sop, you will notice that the generated groups are primitive groups, not point groups. Insert a group sop immediately after your lsystem and in the third parameter page (Edit), put down lsys1 for Group and Convert Name. Now your copy sop (after your group sop) will work. There might be a better way but that's the first thing I tried.

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I'm using creep all over the place :)

what I did in the above clip is to use a nurbs curve and a circle > copy the circle onto the curve then use an align to rotate and translate the circles so that the curve runs through their centers > then into a rails with an l-system as the cross section - much like the lightning tutorial - then into a polywire to get the shapes...to animate it I keyed the Right UV End value on the align...

it's pretty damn cool, if I do say so myself B) but I'm not really happy with it...

what I'd like to do is :

instead of animating the 'growth' using the Right UV End value (which is really just moving the circles from 0 (all bunched up) to 1 (all spread out)) I'd like to have the l-systems grow from 0 to 1 but using the circles as guides...it's hard to describe - like an animated loft, but instead of a surface have some crazy-ass l-systems. I thought the rails op would do this, but either I'm not using it right or it just doesn't ...

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I noticed, that you posted already 2 links to the bmv pages, but only 2 sub pages. Here is the main site: http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/Research/bmv/

But the most important page on this site is the one listing the publications: http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/Research/bmv/p...pers/index.html

The paper Visual models of plant development of Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz (the most important person, when it comes to L-systems nowadays) is a great resource. It describes on 68 pages the use of different L-systems with plenty of examples. I used it to prepare a seminar-talk at university.

Hope you didn't know it already


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You can pipe your leave direct into the L-System SOP and place copies of it as Houdini builds up the tree. The first input is the J, the second the K and the 3rd input is the M-leave. To place a leave simply drop a J, K or M into the rules, which describe your tree. Houdini takes care of rotating and scaling the leaves to accomodate the current twig-sizes.


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If I read you right, you are having the problem with getting the pruned growth l-system tutorial to work...

if that is the case, you just have to make sure that you have the merge1 going into the far right input of the l-sys. looks like the image that they provide in the docs is incorrect.

hope that helps.

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